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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 683 Jarman, H. H., degree, 77 Johnson, W . A. M., degree, 619 Jay, H., degree, 528 Johnson, W . G., appointment, 406 Jefferson, B. L., appointments} 168, 309, 548 Johnson, W . R., degree, 6ig Jeffrey, G. L., degree, 257 Johnson, W . S-, degree, 259 Jehle, F., degree, 264 Johnson, W . W., degree, 641 Jehle, M . I., appointments, 312, 489, 549 Johnson Brothers, contract, 66, 497 •degree, 637 Johnston, D. W., degree, 253 !enkins, A. H., degree, 380 Johnston, F. B., degree, 248 enkins, H. L,, degree, 165 Johnston, F. G., degree, 622 enkins, R. L., appointment, 490 Johnston, F. L., degree, 529 enkins, S. G., degree, 253 Johnston, H. B., appointment, 295 enkinson, B. J., degree, 252 Johnston, H. E., degree, 615 Jennings, D., appointments, 111, 356 Johnston, H. R., commission, 259 Jennings, R. N., degree, 243 degree, 250 Jensen, A. C , C.P.A. certificate, 151 Johnston, G. W., degree, 247 Jensen, M. M., degree, 530 Johnston, K. P., certificate, 367 Jensen, V. P., degree, 264 Johnston, L. K., degree, 257 Jentson, Mrs. L. M., appointment, 82 Johnston, M. E., appointment, 297 Jentzsch, R. A., appointment, 362 Johnston, M. K., degree, 257 degree, 163 Johnston, N. C , appointment, 406 Tepson, H. L., degree, 623 Johnston, Mrs. N. C. B., appointments, 9, Jessamine Withers Home, lease, 161 170, 320, 551 Jewell, H. B., degree, 629 Johnston, P. E., appointments, 338, 343 Jewell, H. M., degree, 619 degree, 265 Jewett, G. E., appointments, 111, 330 J : Johnston, R. J., degree, 473 degree, 633 Johnstone, D., degree, 250 Tirka, F. J., appointment, 369 Johnstone, H. F., appointment, 329 Joannides, M., appointment, 369 patent, 67, 506, 59s Jobst, V., degree, 261 Johnstone, W . W., degree, 248 Johansen, R. S., commission, 259 Joints in wide plates, contract, 69 degree, 250 research fund, 323, 330 Johnsen, M. C , degree, 249 Jokela, F. W., degree, 640 Johnson, Albert S-, appointments, 82, 306 Jones, A. P., degree, 615 degree, 632 Jones, C. J., degree, 473 Johnson, Alice S., appointment, 301 Jones, D., degree, 253 Johnson, B. L., degree, 448 Tones, E. C , appointment, 300 Johnson, C. A., appointments, 82, 359 Jones, E, E., degree, 95 degree, 270 Tones, E. J., degree, 627 Johnson, C. E., degree, 615 Tones, F. M,, appointments, 318, 550 'ohnson, Carl Hockwin, degree, 620 Jones, H. C , degree, 532 ohnson, Carl Melvin, degree, 621 I ones, H. D., degree, 257 Johnson, Carl Milton, degree, 623 ones, H. E., appointment, 369 Johnson, Charles Harliss, degree, 473 ones, H. S. V., appointment, 309 Johnson, D. L., degree, 250 ones, I. R., degree, 254 Johnson, D. R-, degree, 243 ones, L. A., degree, 94 Johnson, E. C , degree, 380 Jones, M., appointment, 337 Johnson, E. G., appointments, 338, 343 Jones, M. A., appointment, 299 degree, 266 Tones, M. B., degree, 532 Johnson, E. H., appointments, 111 Jones, M. E., degree, 627 degrees, 264, 620 Tones, N. W., degree, 631 Johnson, E. J,, degree, 243 Jones, P. V. B., appointments, 168, 312 Johnson, F. T., appointments, 171, 348 Jones, R. A., degree, 641 Johnson, G. L., degree, 250 Jones, R. D., degree, 615 Johnson, H. G., degree, 269 Jones, T. S-, appointment, 355 Johnson, H. W., degree, 269 Jones, W . P., Jr., commission, 642 Johnson, J.Counsel 280206 31282 171, 295, 346, Journalleave,34967E.,degree, 76333, 325requireSee also641L.,degree,benefit, 111,335, degree,J, A., appointment,142, 267551 343 leave ofM. I., degree, 619 296 548 367 L. M., appointments, 352, 526 P. W., degree, 243 51, 359 I. M., C.P.A. 266 185 Rozelle degree,certificate, Richardappointment, N. P., deathcertificate, R. F., gift, 623 T., E., R, appointment, S., A., P., 631 V. S., S. S-, S- W-, absence, P., F., appointment, appointments, 257 7 269 530 532 618 Joslin,&Winifredappointments,325 340, 342596 Jorgensen,621 requirements, 355532. gift, Jordan, J. 247 514,commission,480 Jones V. .Y.,School and Corporation,629 Jones, Williamdegree,450,Germanic Philology, Journalism,D., appointment, 608 Joseph, L.263 J.,126 degree, 351 Toranson, W., degree,530 474> 324, Tones, G.salary, 316 of,243 262 Daily Illini, E.,Steel admission degree, P., appointment, 259 budget, C. degree, appropriation, 259, 380 sick W J., appointments, graduationK., 552 251 degrees, 166, ments, R., budget,A., J. 493 3. L., of English H. H., Laughlin
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