UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 684]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932
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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Ireland, C. E., appointment, 326 degree, 638 Ireland, D. B., degree, 259 Ireland, I. I., appointments, 82, 454 Ireneus, C , Jr-, degree, 449 Irish, H. E., appointment, 369 Irish, V. D-, degree, 630 Irradiated ergosterol, gift for research, 99 Irvin, H. H., degree, 627 Irvin, H. P., lease extended, 100 tenant, Carter-Pennell farm, 572 Irvin, M . L., degrees, 243, 631 Irvin, R. H., certificate, 639 Irvine, O. M., appointment, 480 Irving, H. F., appointment, 329 Irwin, G. R., appointment, 327 Irwin, S. C , degree, 2Sg Isaacs, N. R-, degree, 640 Isenburg, I. N M degree, 252 Israelite, A., degree, 269 Israelite, S-, degree, 641 Ito, T., degree, 249 Ittner, R. T., degree, 243 Ivey, A. C.f appointments, 178, 308 Jack, D. E., degree, 473 Jack, G. S., degree, 615 Jacks, G. S., degree, 640 Jackson, A. N-, degree, 628 Jackson, A. O., appointments, 51, 307 degree, 263 Jackson, A. 5., degree, 92 Jackson, C. 0.t appointments, 170, 351, 550 Jackson, E. A., degree, 627 Jackson, R. D., degree, 254 Jackson, R. W., degree, 470 Jackson, S. M., degree, 77 Jackson, W . R., degree, 627 Jacob, P. E-, appointments, 169, 315» 549 Jacobs, H. M., certificate, 267 Jacobs, M . B., degree, 638 Jacobs, S. I., appointment, 454 degree, 474 Jacobs, W . F., degree, 266 Jacobsen, E- A., appointment, 338 sick leave, 514, 552 Jacobson, C. R., degree, 243 Jacobson, E., degree, 269 Jacobson, H, A., appointment, 36S Jacobson, I. J., degree, 269 Jacobson, L. L., degree, 248 Jacoby, A. M., appointment, 321 Tacokes, C. A., appointment, 313 acquin, Mrs. F. S., appointments, 197, 454 Faeger, H. E., degree, 449 Taegli, H. H., degree, 624 Jamison,F.H.,D.,appointment, 295 82 Jameson,N.V.,CCgift, 371 448409 111, James loanO.U-,,degree, 164 586 James,WMA.H.S.,appointment, 489 Jahn, E.D.J.,procertificate,269336 356 Janvrin,WG.W-, degree,254 Janssen,.R.H., appointments, Jansen,L.D.J., degree,499380 Janofsky,T.,A.,,President, 149 Janata,R..C.V.,appointment,639 Jaglowski,.I>„,degree, 640269 Jaffray,G.D.,R.,213degree,527 301 Jarecki, A., Jr., appointment, Jaques,W fund,fellowship, Taffe, faehne, scholarship, appointment, representing tempore,250 Secretary E., degree, 243 T., 365258 B., degree,

Illinois Union, appropriation, special, 364 charges for steam and electrical installations, 31 lease, 70 Illk, E. D., degree, 257 Ilsley. L. Ly degree, 638 Imhoff, C. E., degrees, 165, 633 Imhofr, H. D., degree, 251 Immele, S., appointment, 340 Improvements, appropriations, 416 local, resolutions providing for payment, 486 Incidental fees, Urbana departments, 1S4 Income, automobile show, 424 Incubator, bacteriology, purchased, 371 Freas, purchased, 440 Indebtedness, Dental Building, 424 interest on, 294 Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, library fund, 299 Industrial agricultural research, balance reappropriated, 285 Industrial education, budget, expense, 320 salary, 32Z Infirmary, budget, expense, 360 salary, 361 Information Office, budget, expense, 294 salary, 298 Ingalls, H. B., appointment, 295 Ingber, N. G-, degree, 266 Inge, J. H., degree, 254 Ingersoll, A. W., appointment, 548 Ingraham, R. C , appointment, 454 Ingram, N. E., degree, 261 Ingrish, G. A., degree, 380 Injuries to employees, budget, 294 Inland Steel Company, test rails purchased, 611 ndeb indebtedness, 284 Insecticidal effects of sulphur, investigation, Interior decoration, President's House, 232 423 Internal combustion engines, research, 74 Insecticides, investigation, 26 Internal Medicine, budget, expense, 354 patent, assignment, 610 salary, 357 Institute of American Meat Packers, agreeInternational Association of Milk Dealers, ment, 26 gift fund, 337 expendable contract, 462 International Cellucotton Products Company, gift, 469 gift, 516 Institute of Boiler and Company, ManufacInternational Harvester Radiator gift, 140 turers, Sand and 6s Inter-State agreement, Gravel Company, gift, contract, 69 504 Institute of criminology and ballistics, proIntertype machines, equipment purchased for, posed, 218 440 Insulation, testing of,budget, 294 Intramural debating, patent, 152 Insulators, porcelain,on, budget, 294 termiInventions, patents research to be nated, 515 Investigations, cooperative research, status, Insurance, Chemistry See also Agreements Annex, 27 Interest, buildings, custody194 Treasurer, 444, Investments,Gymnasium, 28of Woman'sand in FundsLaboratories, 28 University see escrow, 205 Medicalfunds in 595 securitiesautomobiles, old Dental