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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Firchau, J., degree, 530 Fire alarm system, contract, 441 Fire insurance, old medical and dental buildings, 595 Firemen s Short Course, appropriation for director, 91 Firemen's Tower, construction approved, 237 Firke, Mrs. E., appointment, 453 First National Bank, Champaign, creditor's Agreement, 606, 608 Chicago, designated as depository, 510, 541 Treasurer's funds, 542 First Union Trust and Savings Bank, contract, 536, 578 deposit to secure Treasurer's funds, 544 safety of securities, 601 withdrawal of securities, procedure, 545 Firth, J. O., appointments, 81, 355 certificate, 639 degree, 642 Fisch, M . E., appointments, 355, 368, 453 Fischer, G. T., degree, 250 Fischer, W . R., appointment, 370 Fischmann, E. W., appointment, 368 Fiscus, J. J., appointment, 347 Fish. T. M., degree, 626 Fishback, D. D., degree, 247 Fishburrij C. C , degree, 528 Fishel, G. F., certificate, 267 Fisher, C. H., appointment, 308 degree, 636 Fisher, C. V., appointments, 81 degree, 448 Fisher, D. P., degree, 242 Fisher, E-, degree, 640 Fisher, G. J., degree, 618 Fisher, H. A., degree, 251 Fisher, J., appointment, 368 Fisher, M . L., degree, 638 Fisher, N. H., appointment, 315 Fisher, Raymond, appointments, 298, 310 Fisher, Rose, degree, 256 Fisher, S. T., degree, 268 Fisher, W . T., committees, 90, 144 Fisher Company, contract, 412 Fishman, I., degree, 78 Fishman, L. Z., appointment, 587 Fisler, L. E., degree, 614 Fissures in railroad rails, investigation, 187 expendable gift fund, 323 Fitch, A. E., degree, 263 Fitch, H. M., appointment, 325 Fitch, K. R-, appointments, 123, 453 Fitch, L. H., degree, 624 Fithian, D. G-, commission, 642 Fitzpatrick,L.,Yeastappointments,x68, *77> Fitzgerald,C.R.degree, 617agreement, 32 343 Fitz-Gerald,V.,C.,degree, 614614303 305, 405* Fithian, F.N.,.H-, commission, 639213 319, 309, Flanigan, G. J.,. appointment, Flanders,ML. L., degree, 242 Flanagan,V.J. E.,degree, 245 347 Fjelde, H.A.,R.,appointment,295 FitzSimons,S., degree, 626 614 327 Fitzsimmons,M.,H., degree, 62964281, Fitzgibbon,WL.R.,E.,degree,254614 146. Fleming, H. P., degree, 256 Flattery, E. G., certificate,300 Flaska, H. M.f J.,fellowship, Flagg, O.P., C F.,appointments, Fletcher, F. J., degree, Flentje, R. M degree, 529 Fleischmann appointment, Fleischli, D. F., appointments, degree, . 550 620 373 Co., degree, 67I Fletcher, W . R., degree, 450 Flint, M . A., degrees, 242, 624 Flint, W . P., appointments, 118, 333 assignment of patent, 610 oil dust insecticide method, use by Illinois orchardists, 592 patent, 174 Niagara Sprayer and Chemical Company permitted to use, 526 Flodin, G. E., degree, 250 Flom, G. T., appointments, 168, 309 leave of absence, 95 Floors, timber, research, expendable gift funds, 323, 330 Floriculture, summary of sales, 21 Florida Avenue, pavement, appropriation, 185 resolution, 487 paving and lighting, 66 Flowers, M . H., degree, 256 Floyd, C. D., appointment, 326 Flue gas scrubbing, patent sought, 506 Flue piping, effect of gas combustion, 3, 188, 515 expendable gift fund, 323, 329 Flynn, Sister M . M., degree, 473 Foellinger, H. R., degree, 614 FogwelT, D. J., degree, 242 Folders, diploma, contract, 515, 555 Foley, D. A., degree, 624 Foley, E., appointment, 357 Foley, R. N., appointment, 310 degree, 261 Foley, T. A., Lumber Company, contract, 206 lumber, 139 Folk, M . L., appointment, 358 Foltz, W . D., degree, 622 Foods and nutrition laboratories, equipment, 412 Foote, L. B^ degree, 95 Foottit, F. C , degree, 78 Foran, A. F., C.P.A. certificate, 141 Forbes, C. A., appointments, 168, 548 Forbes, T. B., commission, 642 degree, 630 Ford, B. E., C.P.A. certificate, 151 Ford, C. E., degree, 251 Ford, C. M., degree, 617 Ford, G. E., degree, 167 Ford, J. H., degree, 630 Ford, K. M., degree, 242 Ford, W., appointment, 489 Ford car, gift of, 577 Fordon, M« V-, degree, 242 Fore, R, E., appointment, 335 degree, 262 ForestryMB.R-, 570 hatcheries,316 heard, 128 Foreen, F..264,I.commission, 259 355147, 344 Fork, A.,Mrs.M.,appointment, 405 N. released, Forrest, S.144 degree, 449 Forman,WH. H., E., appointment, Formaldehyde appointment, patent Forkosh,T.7B., inB., appointments, Abbott, Forker, H.250Alumni, committee Forgo stein,D., degree,of242 489 347 Foster, C. G., offer 252 Fornoff, H. E., appointments, 337, Foundation,A. degree,453 Fox,506 . CR., Foulks, D. V., degree.256 degree, tract, degree,appointment, 268 report, S. W., declined,B., 469 Mrs. H., M., A., 614 A. 258 242 633 624 470 Mrs.
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