UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 670]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Engineering, College of, appropriation, special, 136, 364 budget, salary, 324 summary, 322 change in admission, 171 degrees, 94, 165, 340, 473, 531, 620 expendable gift funds, 323, 328 gift to Rosenwald Museum, 48 graduation requirements, 608 Engineering Experiment Station, budget, salary, 327 summary, 322 expendable gift funds, 323, 328 gifts, boiler drum, 504 boiler gauge glass, 504 water column, 504 investigation, National Research Council, 469 Engineering Library, remodeling, balance reappropriated, 285 Engineering physics students, loan fund available^ 592 Engineering services. Snider Engineering Service, Inc.( 27s Engines, internal combustion, investigation, 74 Engle, C. H., degree, 91 Engle, W . J., appointment, 336 Englis, D. T., appointments, 167, 307, 548 English, budget, expense, 305 salary, 309 laboratory fee, 28* (Dentistry), budget, expense, 360 salary, 361 English, E. H., degree, 629 English, H., degree, 266 English, W . J., appointment, 557 English Bros., t contract, partitions in Materials Testing Laboratory, 413 English Poetry Prize, fund, 365 Engwall. T. T., degree, 268 Ennis, A. L., certificate, 639 Ennis, C. W., Jr., degree, 621 Ensing, N. E., appointment, 327 Entomology, budget, expense, 305 salary, 311 laboratory fees, 282 Entrance examinations, balance reappropriated, 285 fund, revolving, 294 statute concerning, 422 Entrance requirements, Fine and Applied Arts, changed, 493 Journalism, changed, 493 Physical Education, 609 Erck,G.J.R.R.H.,appointment,fund,168, 121 99 Ericksen,N.,irradiated, 629267 325 Ergosterol,266G., Geological 165 research, Erenburg,F.N.,L.,degree, 614for concerning exErenberg,MtoT.I.,degree,contract, 365 Erb,pansionH.,appointment, 309for, 379 Epstein, .G.H.,appointment, 586306 275 312, 549 Ernst, J.H., B.,appointment, 639 Erickson,S.,appointment, 7 Survey, Erich,T.J.N.,A.,wl,Co., gift 80 Estep Essington, . maintenance642 Espy, Esdohr, E. scholarship,242 Esau, WA.,L.,of appointments, Ervin, Clock, J., degree, 614 Ernest,B. B.,degree, 379 297 Ericzon, E. commission, 631 Ericson, rL,degree, statement Entrance L.L.campus,268 621 Esslinger, A. M., degree, Erskine-Danforth certificate, degree, certificate, degree,markers A.,

Electrical Engineering Society Loan Fund, name changed, 592 Electrical metennen's short course, fund, 323 gift, 442 Electrolytic method, hydrolysis of levulose, patent sought, 506 foreign patent rights, 552 Electro-Therapy Products Corporation, gift, 577 . „ Elevated structures, stresses in, research to be terminated, 515 Elevators, campus, contract for inspection and maintenance, 555 Library, contract, 47 Materials Testing Laboratory, contract, 47 purchased, 372 Medical and Dental Laboratories, weekly inspection, contract, 555 Lincoln Hall Addition, contract, 190 Elhardt, W . P., appointment, 314 Eli Lilly and Company, gift, 611 Ellies, M., appointments, 169, 315 EUifrit, R. S., degree, 630 Ellingboe, E. K., appointments, 308, 548 degree, 526 Ellingson, A., appointment, 361 Elliott, C. W., degree, 253 Elliott, F. E., appointments, 336, 341 Elliott, G. M., degree, 260 Elliott, T. M., degree, 614 Elliott, L., degree, 242 Elliott, L. M., C.P.A. certificate, 15J Elliott, R. E., degree, 246 Ellis, A. H., degree, 247 Ellis, C. I., degree, 266 Ellis, C. R., degree, 614 Ellis, L. N., degree, 78 Ellison, H. E., degree, 629 Ellison, L. M., gift, 371 Ells, C. S., gift, 504 Elm trees, planted on campus, 569 Elman, J. F., degree, 629 Elmberg, E. C , degree, 614 Elrick, R. F., commission, 642 degree, 619 Elster, B. B., degree, 638 Elvidge, T. B., degree, 619 Ely, R. G-, C.P.A. certificate, 24, 141 Embrittlement in steam boilers, Canadian patent, 139 Emch, A., appointments, 313, 549 Emch, M . E., degree, 269 Emergency loan fund, student, 577 Emergency working fund, established, 216 report on, 387 Endowment,L.,appointment,639355 369 memorial Emrich,R.giftH.appointment,247 321 for, Employment,Funds,conference, J. 417 272 Employees,F.,,degree,NealLloyd, 294W.,526 Emmerson,T.,.emergency budget,report, expendEnamelingM., fund,appointment, Emrick,ME.637 hazardous, committee Emig, agreement, 280 steel, 363 47 Engelhart, 163,degree,268 614 Endres,B. compensation, report, Emich,H.C.M., Kate degree, Kinley Engerman, E., L., to,256 bills, Enger, H.. C., Jr., 323629 327 Engeljohn, ML. D., degree, 623 Engelhardt,L. appropriation research, Engh, F. on certificate, Engel, also injuries 272 signature M E., degrees, C. sheet 94 President's 410 accident E., appointment, degree, to 270 See Newell, fellowship, M., able C