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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Barnhart, L., appointment, 404 degree, 247 Barovsky, C., degree, 268 Barr, F. F., appointment, 308 Barr, G. A., committees, 541 member of executive committee, 540 President of Board, 182 thanks extended to, 540 Barrett, C. C , degree, 613 Barrett, C. H., degree, 241 Barrett, E. E., member of committee on treasurer's bond, 183 President of Board, 540 Barrett, E. G., degree, 252 Barrett, V. G., degree, 613 Barrick, R. G., appointments, 370, 404 Barry, G. W-, degree, 251 Bartelsmeyer, R. R., degree, 531 Barthel, V. B., appointment, 479 Barthelemy, W . B., degree, 531 Bartholf, F. A., degree, 164 Bartholomew, F. G., degree, 619 Bartholomew, H., appointment, 348 Bartholomew, R. Y., degree, 613 Bartlett, F. A., degree, 632 scholarship, 213 Bartlett, J. H., Jr., appointments, 326, 479 Bartlett, R. C , degree, 248 Bartlett, R. W-, appointments, 318, 333, 341 Bartlum, J. S-, degree, 626 Barto, H. T., appointment, 338 Barto property, contract for remodeling, 441 purchase, 174 Barton, H. J., appointment, 309 Barton, W . E., degree, 379 Bartow, V., appointment, 307 Bartulis, J., degree, 626 Bartz, 0- R., appointment, 307 Baseball field, new, 569 Basford, P. R., degree, 613 Baskets, Woman's Gymnasium, contract, ,376 Baskin, L. S., degree, 266 Bass, A. C., commission, 642 degree, 613 Bass, J. L., degree, 379 Bassin, A., alternate to Plym fellowship, 591 degrees, 249, 632 scholarship, 457 Bateman, H, P., degree, 623 Bates, M., appointment, 301 Batko, J. B., appointments, 123, 367 Batterton, G. N., degree, 628 Bauer, A. K., degree, 613 Bauer, E. E., appointment, 324 Bauer, F. C , appointments, 334, 342 BauerA.L.L.638degree, Company, 31* 141 153 Bayley,M. A., T., gift,254 Baxter,F. .CBlack, C.P.A.628 Baumgartner,L.,A.,degree, certificate, Baumgart, 260 O.,appointment,451 Bauman,E.CH., appointment,619 362 Baugh, andJ.,M,,appointment,451 Bauerle,S.R.N.,degree, 767164626 Bauerbach,241 S.,appointment, 362 Bauer, E,P.,S.,Optical 247 451385 contract, Beach, F. G., degree,449 Bayly, R. C. degree, 631 Bayles, L. V.( appointment, Bausch-Lombappointment, Baur, J. L., degree, 256 Baumler,W B-, 284 degree, Bazola, R. K., degree, 469 Bay, degree, H. appointment, retirement,O., , 638 651 Beadles, J. R-, appointment, 336 Beadles, T. H., degree, 632 Beagley, G. H., degree, 628 Beaird, D. M., degree, 618 Beall, B. E., degree, 245 Beall, G., scholarship, 233 Beals, A. E., degree, 626 Beals, F. I., degree, 613 Beam, Mrs. M. W., appointments, 8, 339 Beaman, I. L., C.P.A. certificate, 386 Bearaer, E. C , degree, 254 Bean, R. B., commission, 642 Beard, H., appointment, 358 Beard, J. H-, appointments, 62, 353 sick leaves, 502, 560 Beatty, A. L., degree, 626 Beatty, S. G., degree, 241 Beatty, T. D,, degree, 613 Beaumont memorial endowment fund, 354 Beaver, P. C , appointment, 316 Beck, A. J., degree, 473 Beck, E. L., degree, 241 Beck, J. C., appointment, 385 Becker, C. B., degree, 635 Becker, D, S., degree, 241 Becker, G., degree, 268 Becker, H. G-, certificate, 639 Becker, I., appointment^ 368 Becker, L. A., commission, 260 degree, 241 Becker, M. G., degree, 613 Becker, M. L., degree, 532 Becker, R. F-, degree, 623 Beckwith, J. A., degree, 529 Bedinger, P. L., degree, 241 Beebe, G. K., degree, 623 Becdle, E., appointment, 300 Beene, P. G., C.P.A. certificate, 141 Beers, R. E., degree, 165 Beethoven Trio, contract, 440 Behling, B. N., appointment, 404 degree, 265 Behrensmeyer, C , appointments, 79, 347 Beights, D. M-, appointments, 8, 318 degree, 636 Bein, L. P., degree, 165 Beinhoff, F. H., degree, 247 Belden Manufacturing Company, material purchased, 221 Belitsky, N., degree, 626 Bell, A. C-, Jr., degree, 251 Bell, C. V., commission, 642 degree, 621 Bell, H. C , degree, 613 Bell, H. J., certificate, 267 Benjamin, D., degree, 624 Benensohn, R., appointment, 267 Benedetto, F., certificate, Benda, WE.,A.,F., appointment, Belsley, E. cables, 190, 253 Belshaw,L. .A.C.,degree,165 Belous, E.166E,,J., appointments, Bellows,of 246degree, 24S555 310 Bellon, R.degree,Company, 267451 314, Bellmar,B.E.A.degree, 2567253 640 404 Bell M.,M.K., degree,626 78gift,404 Bell. TelephoneC.,626 degree, 368206 549 Bender, E., S. L., 626 Benbow, E. R., appointment, Bement, J. P., degree, 623 Beloof, R.,F_ appointment, Belogrodsky,H., degree, .241 Bell, R. A.,G-, appointment, lease P. M. degree,F. L., certificate, V. N.
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