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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
650 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Baker, R. H., appointments, 167, 306 leave of absence, 150 Baker, W . A., degree, 92 Baker, W . J., appointment, 319 Balances, unexpended, reappropriated, 285 Balchofsky, M. I., degree, 269 Bald, I. J., appointment, 404 Balding, B. N-, degree, 532 Balding, L. G-, degree, 7 Baldriage, M. E., degree, 247 Baldridge, R., degree, 252 Balduf, W . V., appointments, 311, 548 Baldwin, E. C, appointment, 309 Baldwin, E. W., Jr., degree, 621 Baldwin, G. A., commission, 259 degree, 241 Baldwin, Harry E., degree, 640 Baldwin, Herbert E., degree, 619 Baldwin, H- L., degree, 450 Baldwin, j. O., degree, 450 Baldwin, M. R., degree, 166 Baldwin, T. W., appointment, 309 leave of absence, 95 Baldwin-Southwark Corporation, machine purchased, 440 Balickas, B., degree, 626 Ball, B. B., degree, 622 Ball, B. M;, degree, 247 scholarship, 233 Ball, F. D., degree, 77 Ball, I. R., degree, 619 Ball, Ray W., degree, 613 Ball, Robert W., degree, 163 Ballin, M., degree, 266 BalHn, N. H., degree, 268 Ballweg, E. L., degree, 256 Balseiro, J. A., appointment, 315 Balstad, E. H., degree, 241 Balthazard, I. G., appointment, 315 Balthis, J. H., appointment, 307 Bamber, L. E., appointment, 404 Bamberger, A., appointment, 360 Bancroft, B. R-, appointments, 134, 367 Bancroft, H. W., degree, 618 Band Building, acoustical correction, appropriation, 476 Band instruments, requisition approved, 98 Bands, Military, appropriation, special, 364 travel, 423 budget, expense, 294 salary, 298 Banen, D. M., degree, 499 Banner, C. L., degree, 623 Bannister, E. L., degree, 630 Banta, A., appointment, 344 Barnett,andM.,degree, appointment,451 550 Bard, G.I.C,L,,J.,degree,624267 169,347 4°4» BarnesB.R.R-,I.,degree,ediphone Barnes, S.W F.,M.degree, 241 contracts, Barlow,S.Wdegree, Cv 640 258, 631 Barkley,M.E.Brothers,618 318 purchased, Barcheski,259L.,appointments,313499 Barber,O.K.C.587degree, 241268169, 314 Banta E.,S...appointment, 638339, 316, Barkman, W.,appointments, Barker, D.,R.,E., degrees, Baringer, E-, L., Company, Bardo, Mrs.A.,certificate, Bantz, Publishingappointments, scholarship, degree, 247 degree, F., appointment, fellowship, 213 638 631 388 A. V., appointment, 555 M. degree, Babcock, K. C, cont'd. trust fund, accepted, 335 list of securities, 272 modification, 273 Babcock, L. A., appointment, 109 degree, 261 Babcock, M. K., degree, 258 Babcock, R. H., bequest, 67 Babcock, S. H., appointment, 307 Babcock and Wilcox Co., contracts, 30, 55 gift, 504 purchase orders, 70, 71 Babel, L. C, degree, 259 Bacevich, B. C, degree, 628 Bachem, A., appointment, 359 Bachmaa Co., contract, linoleum in Woman's Gymnasium, 412 Bachmann, W . E., appointment, 168 Bachrach, R.» degree, 256 Back, E. S., degree, 241 Backer, M., degree, 640 Bacon, A. R., appointment, 368 Bacon, E. J., degree, 241 Bacon, M. G., degree, 245 Bacon lectureship, expendable fund, 354 Bacteria in canned meats, investigation, extended, 26, 462, 469 Bacteriology, balance reappropriated, 285 budget, expense, 305 salary, 306 expendable gift fund, 305 incubator purchased, 371, 440 investigation, Institute of American Meat Packers, 462 laboratory fees, 281, 461 See also Pathology and Bacteriology Badger, A. E., appointment, 328 Badger, C. J., appointment, 334 Baehr, W . F. O., degree, 76 Baer, \V. H., certificate, 267 Bagby, J. R., degree, 249 Bagott, A., appointment, 297 Baggs, G. E., degree, 77 Bagfey, R. A., commission, 642 degree, 619 Bahlman, F., degree, 241 Bahr, H., degree, 252 Bahrij, S. M., degree, 268 Bajlar, J. C, appointments, 167, 307 Bailey, D., degree, 624 Bailey, H. W., appointments, 313, 549 Bailey, I. G., degree, 471 Bailey, L. P., appointment, 347 Bailey, W . F., appointments, 167, 308 Baily, H. H., appointments, 318, 550 Baker, L. 254 prizedegree,267308, 328 Baird, D. O.,K.,appointment,316 479 312 Baize, Mrs.B.,appointments, 79, 79, Baker, G. M., degree, 640 365 403 investments, certificate, 241 degree, H., degree, 241639 355 M. 637 appointment, F. W., degree, 94 J. R., E., fund, C. M., certificate, L. 265 48appointment, I- E., degree, 164 H. C, degree, 268 Myron E., appointments, Marion degree,613 R. C.f L.. B., M. E., E. F., P., U-, O., 254 619 529 268
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