UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 651]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932
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U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Arches, concrete, investigation, expendable gift funds, 323, 330 Architectural engineering, Plym foreign scholarship, awarded, 280, 605 rules, 591 Architectural history, Ricker prize, gift for continuance, 488 Architecture, additional positions, 59, 90 AUerton American traveling scholarship, awarded, 280, 605 gift for continuation, 220, 577 Alpha Rho Chi medal, gift of, 221 budget, expense, 346 salary, 347 Head of Department, ex officio member of Plym Fellowship Committee, 470 Plym fellowship, awarded, 218; 591 scholarships, 280, 457, 605 Architects' fees, Medical and Dental Laboratories, 64, iQ3> 278, 377) 384 President's House, payment approved, 376 Woman's Gymnasium, payment approved, 375 Ardean, N., degree, 640 Arenz, D. J., degree, 379 Arford, C. W., commission, 259 degree, 256 Arford, E. H., degree, 471 Aries, L. J., certificate, 267 degree, 270 Armbruster, R. E., degree, 253 Armour and Co., contract, 46 Armstrong, B. E., degree, 613 Armstrong, Beata M., degree, 256 Armstrong, Beulah M., appointment, 313 Armstrong, G. B., appointment, 343 Armstrong, T. H-, degree, 250 Armstrong, J. M., degree, 613 Armstrong, J. W.f committees, 105, 541 President of Board, pro tempore, 378 Armstrong, M . C , degree, 254 Armstrong, W . C , degree, 619 Armstrong, W . K., degree, 241 Armstrong Cork and Insulation Company, contract, 205 Armsworth, J. A., degree, 640 Arneson, M., appointment, 355 Arnold, C. C. W., degree, 165 Arnold, H. S., degree, 530 Arnold, L., appointment, 358 Arnold, R. B., appointment, 8 degree, 448 Arnold, R. G., Jr., degree, 164 Aron, A. W., appointments, 3Iz» 549 Aron, E., certificate, 639 Art 229L.G.M.,,degree,degree, 472 contract, Art, salary,256expense,25692629Board 32T Aronson,E.450inpaintings,624 403 208 136 Aronofsky,inE.,K.Accountancy,336, 341of ExAsher,S.E.,H.,degree, 638259 special, Aronow,WDesign,degree,631153 279 Ashby, R.L-,P.,appointments, Arvin,fellowship,degree,268to Arts,collections,appointment, Asp,aminersConstruction Ashmore. A.,Cdegree, appointment, Ashman, L.,commission,166 Ashline, Mrs.H.,degree,curriculum, Ashley,H.J.,ofappointment Company, purchase A.,title,degree, change .R. E.,Jr., 638 degree, C 347 appropriation, and Metal , new 346 budget, J. 410 S-, 374


Aspern, D., appointment, 479 Aspinall, T. E., appointment, 336 Assessments, Monroe Street sewer, additional, 569 paving, Mathews Avenue, 27 Romine Street, 27 University Avenue, 27 Assignment of patents, Utilities Research Commission, 476 Associated Military Stores, contractf 3 Association of Manufacturers of Chilled Car Wheels, agreement, 187 extended, 577 Asthma, research, 32, 371 Astronomy, budget, expense, 305 Salary, 306 Aszmann, M. L., degree, 623 Athletic Association, accounts audited, 426 budget, 1930-31, approved, 48 1931-32, submitted, 371 reviewed, 403 directors appointed, 186 golf course, 96, 108 ice skating rink, 96, 108 authority to charge for use of, 423 contracts, 205 income from automobile show, 424 purchases, 439 relation to Board of Trustees, 403 relation to University, 446, 475 resolutions, concerning golf course and skating rink, 96 Athletic coaching, budget, expense, 320 salary, 349 change in curriculum, 127 laboratory fees, 281 transferred to School of Physical Education, 609 Athletic facilities, use by public, 566 Athletic field, new, 569 Atkins, E. V., degree, 254 Atkins, K. D., degree, 249 Atkinson, C. E., appointment, 302 Atkinson, W . K., degree, 76 Attorney's fees, Hall, A. R., 57', 604 Atwater. E. D „ C.P.A. certificate, 24, 141 Atwood,' E. E., degree, 252 Audit, budget, 294 reports of, 71, 122, 153, 230, 425. 426, 495. 517, 597 Auditor, signature of President of Board, 182, 540 Auditorium, Medical Building, proposed, 402 walk south of, construction, 488 Audrieth, L. F-, appointment, 167 Babbitt,D.J.trustdegree,59 470system,386installaAuerbach,adjustment,degree, 626305 505 Austin,forM.,H. ,M-, gift, 577 315, Ault, A.S.,enterprises, 618205 364 on 324 Augustinus,P.,Ford, 284budget,451 79, 549 Automobiles,show,telephone report Automatic31R.,degree,Inc., 633 Axelson,D. Electric, 629 Aviles, L., Jr., appointment, Avery, H.K.Jr.,degree, certificate, Auxiliarybenefit,C.P.A. 527 AutomobileA. fund, 365186 424 Babcock, H. P.,C degree, 241 Ayres, P. M.,B.,66 University, 205,appointment, death of new degree, salary patent, E., fund, retirement, insurance, gift fellowship,V., appointments, tion assignment, appointments, 561 degree, income,