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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
590 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May n TRIBUTE OF T H E B O A R D OF TRUSTEES T O M R S . L A U R A B. E V A N S On motion of Dr. Noble, the following resolution was adopted. T h e m e m b e r s of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois record with profound sorrow and a sense of great loss the death on April 29, 1932, of their honored and beloved colleague, Mrs. Laura B. Evans. F r o m 1903 until her death she served continuously as a m e m b e r of the Board of Trustees of the University, manifesting a devoted interest in the welfare of the University in all phases of its activities, particularly in promoting the welfare of the w o m e n students. She was untiring in her interest and activities in behalf of the W o m e n ' s Residence Halls, and in the organization of women's cooperative houses. She w a s always ready with her help and advice. Her work on the Board w a s but one phase of her long and faithful career of public service. She w a s for m a n y years president of the Taylorville Public Library, an institution she is largely credited with establishing. She w a s active in the work of the W o m e n ' s Relief Corps and served as State President of that organization. Finally, the M e m b e r s of the Board would record their appreciation of M r s . E v a n s as a w o m a n of w a r m sympathies, high ideals of conduct and living, and a loyal and w a r m supporter of all measures that set before her beloved students the ideals in which she believed. She numbered a m o n g her friends the great people of the State, and she w a s a friend of the friendless. In her death the State has lost a loyal citizen and a faithful servant, and the University of Illinois a true friend in every sense of the word. In recording this tribute to the m e m o r y of their dear friend and colleague, the M e m b e r s of the Board of Trustees direct the Secretary to send a copy of this message to the m e m b e r s of M r s . Evans' family as an expression of the sorrow of the Board and its deepest sympathy with them in their great loss. MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT CHASE T h e Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. AUTHORITY TO CONFER DEGREES (1) A request for authority to confer degrees at the Commencement exercises, in the Chicago Departments on June 10, and in the Urbana Departments on June 13, on such candidates as may be duly qualified and recommended by the University Senate. O n motion of M r s . Grigsby, this authority w a s granted. LEAVES OF ABSENCE (2) A report that leaves of absence have been granted the following members of the staff: 1. Dr. Sherlock Swann, Research Associate in Chemical Engineering, for one month during the summer in addition to his month's vacation, on account of his health. 2. Herman Wascher, First Assistant in Soil Survey Mapping, two weeks during the summer in addition to his vacation, with pay, to enable him to take afieldcourse in Geology during the coming summer at the University of Colorado. O n motion of M r . Barr, these leaves were granted.
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