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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1932] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 575 Schedule D CARTER-PENNELL FARMS COMPARATIVE OPERATING STATEMENT FOR NINE CROP YEARS, 1923 TO 1931, INCLUSIVE Total for 8 crop years 1023 to 1030 Inclusive 1031 Total, o (See February 28, Crop Year Years, 1023 1931, Report) (Schedule E) to 1031 Xorth Farm Income $9 142 41 #439 27 tg 581 68 Expense: Seed 222 18 222 18 Repairs 435 41 103 87 539 28 Insurance 246 41 52 15 298 56 Limestone 179 38 10 03 189 41 South Farm Water 1179 11 79 Income 9 374 7° 3^7 06 9 741 47 Miscellaneous 10047 100 76 Expense: Topographical Survey 2732 2732 Seed 49002 47 8S 537 85 Permanent Improvements1 925 03 286 82 1 211 90 Repairs 18727 1685 20412 Taxes (Personal) 65 42 65 42 Insurance 221 09 35 70 256 79 Taxes (Real Estate)' 445 38 445 3« Miscellaneous 35 79) 35 17 Total Expense (2 658 17 (452 87) (3 in 66) Topographical Survey 2732 27 32 Net Income £6 483 62 $ 13 60* $ 6 470 02 Permanent Improvements1 557 22 148 02 705 24 Both Farms Taxes 1034 1034 Income (Personal) 18 517 11 80633 1932344 Taxes (Real Estate)' 292 3 5 292 3 Expense 4 479 57 701 32 5 180 895 Total Expense(Schedule A) (1 820 78) (248 45) j (2 142 55 •Net Loss. Net Income $14 037 54 $105 01 u 069 23) Net Income $7 553 92 gn8 61 $7 672 53 Amount written off during period. 'Includes only taxes for 1925. Taxes for 1926 and 1927 are still in litigation. No taxes assessed after 1927. Schedule E CARTER-PENNELL FARMS INCOME AND EXPENSE 1931 CROP YEAR North South Farm (To Farm (To Schedule D) Schedule D) Total Income Cash Rent #100 00 #100 00 Sale of Produce—Sale of Corn, Oats, plus February 29, 1932, Inventory, less February 28, 1931, Inventory.. 267 06 267 06 Net Income from Partnership Revolving Operations (Schedule F) $439 27 439 27 Total Income J439 27 fo67 06 J806 33 Expense *Net Loss. Seed (Clover, etc.) 4788 4788 Repairs 103 87 1685 12072 Insurance 52 1; 35 70 87 85 Limestone Fertilizer 10 03 10 03 Permanent Amortization of Improvements (Schedule C) 286 82 148 02 434 84 Total Expense S45* 87 £248 45 £701 32 Net Income (Schedule D ) $ 13 6o* ?n8 61 gios 01
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