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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
556 board of trustees [March 8 COMMUNICATION FROM ALUMNI ASSOCIATION (20) The following letter from Miss Caroline M . Karraker, Chairman of the Membership Committee of the Alumni Association, reporting on the results of the appropriation made for the present fiscal year to the Association to enable i to send the Illinois Alumni News to all members of the Class of 1931: t February 17, 1932 The Board of Trustees, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Ladies and Gentlemen: With the appropriation you granted at the beginning of thisfiscalyear the entire Class of 1931, including all baccalaureate graduates of February, June, August, and October and the graduates in Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy, was placed on the Alumni Association membership roll, which includes subscription to the Illinois Alumni News. Because this arrangement is accomplishing its purposes so well and because so many members of the Class have written their thanks, we of the Alumni Association executive committee are pleased to tell you of our appreciation and to relay to you the thanks of these young alumni. All members of the Class were told of this gift subscription in a letter that accompanied their first copy of the Alumni News. The total of subscriptions for the Class is 2,331, and of these 1,141 have written acknowledging the gift. W e have had more news of this class and have been able to keep more closely in touch with its members than with any class before. W e believe that with the Class of 1931 facing rather unusual and discouraging conditions, the tie with the University has probably meant more to it than to classes that have made a more normal entry into the alumni world. Most sincerely yours, EXECUTIVE C O M M I T T E E , UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION By Caroline M. Karraker Chairman, Membership Committee This report w a s received for record. REQUEST FOR SERVICES OF COMPTROLLER (21) A request from the Illinois Society of Certified Public Accountants for the services of Mr. Lloyd Morey, Comptroller, on a committee which the Society has appointed to assist the Mayor's Advisory Committee of Chicago in certain recommendations which that committee is to make concerning problems of municipal finance. It is understood that his services will not take him away from his University duties for more than a day or so at a time, and that he will perform them at the convenience of the University. O n motion of M r . Barr, this request w a s granted. REQUEST FOR USE OF UNIVERSITY BUILDING (22) The University Place Church of Christ of Champaign burned down on Sunday, March 6. The officers of the church request permission to use a University building for their services until they can rebuild. There would be no expense to the University involved in this because the church would pay for janitor service and any other expense involved. I recommend that this request be granted. O n motion of M r . Blair, temporary permission w a s granted the University Place Church to hold their services in a University building. REPORT ON PATENTS O n motion of Mr. Armstrong, the President of the University was requested to present a report on the status of the development of the Parr process by the Urbana Coke Corporation, and also complete in-
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