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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
193°] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 49 MCKINLEY HOSPITAL FINANCES Mr. Trees, for the Finance Committee, made a report of progress on the consideration of the method of financing the McKinley Hospital. INVESTMENT OF WOMAN'S RESIDENCE HALL. FUNDS Mr. Trees, for the Finance Committee, presented a recommendation that the Woman's Residence Halls Fund be not invested at present (see Minutes, June 3, 1930, page 600). On motion of Mr. Trees, this recommendation was adopted. BUSWELL PATENTS RELEASED Mr. Fisher presented the following report. At the meeting of the Board of Trustees on June 19, there was referred to the Committee on Patents the matter of releasing to A. M . Buswell the United States and Canadian rights in his patents on cellulose digestion. The Committee has investigated this matter and, in view of the undeveloped state of the invention and the fact that Dr. Buswell made the invention while working for the State Water Survey division, the Committee recommends that the Board release to Professor Buswell and his associate in this project, C. S. Boruff, the rights which they have heretofore assigned to the University upon payment to the University of the items of expense shown on the University's books as having been expended in connection with these patents and the contract with F. N . Bard for the exploitation thereof. J. W. Armstrong W. L. Noble Walter T. Fisher, Chairman Committee on Patents On motion of Dr. Noble, this recommendation was approved, and the proper University o f c r were authorized to execute the necesfies sary documents. URBANA COKE CORPORATION Mr. Fisher presented the following report. O n April 9, 1930, the Board referred to a special committee on patents the matter of releasing the Urbana Coke Corporation from any claim on the invention known as the Parr-Layng Coking Process, based on the clause providing that the corporation shall spend $50,000 infiveyears in developing the process. The committee finds that the sum mentioned has been spent within the period and recommends that the Board grant the request of the Urbana Coke Corporation. J. W. Armstrong W. L. Noble Walter T. Fisher, Chairman Committee on Patents On motion of Dr. Noble, this recommendation was concurred in. FOREIGN PATENTS ON BURKS INVENTION Mr. Fisher presented the following report. President Kinley requested the Committee on Patents to ascertain whether anything should be done with reference to taking out foreign patents upon the invention of Dana Burks, Jr., on a method of freezing a clear block of ice. O n the basis of the information now in the possession of the Committee the Committee believes that there is no reason for making application for foreign patents on this invention. J. W. Armstrong W. L. Noble Walter T. Fisher, Chairman On motion of Dr. Noble, this recommendation Patents adopted. Committee on was
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