Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
498 board of trustees [December 15 C O N T R A C T W I T H DAVIS C O N S T R U C T I O N COMPANY REVOKED (21) A letter from the Supervising Architect. December 14, 1931 President H. W. Chase, 35s Administration ( W ) Dear President Chase: I have your inquiry of the nth about the contract with the Davis Construction Company of Chicago for the installation of temperature regulation in our Research Laboratory and Library building. This contract was held up pending the legality of the law governing uniform wage scales, and then when we were ready to go ahead, I found that the Davis Construction Company had not included all of the valves that the others hadfiguredon and were not the low bidders. This statement should have appeared in m y letter of November 30. Under the circumstances, I think the wise thing to do is to rescind our former action and reject all bids and take the matter up de novo next year. Very truly yours, J M. White . Supervising Architect O n motion of M r . Trees, the action of September 29, 1931 (Minutes, page 445), awarding the contract for temperature regulation in the Research Laboratory and Library Building, w a s reconsidered. O n motion of M r . Trees, in consideration of the report m a d e by the Supervising Architect showing that the Davis Construction C o m pany were not the lowest bidders, the action of September 29 awarding the contract to this c o m p a n y w a s rescinded. O n motion of M r . Barrett, all bids received on this w o r k were rejected. P L A N S F O R S E C O N D UNIT O F MEDICAL. BUILDING (22) The plans and specifications for the second unit of the Medical and Dental College Laboratories Building. M r . Bollenbacher a n d M r . Merrill, w h o were introduced at this point, explained the plans. O n motion of M r s . Grigsby, the plans and specifications were approved. INVESTMENT OF TRUST F U N D S M r . Trees, for the Finance Committee, presented a recommendation that $1,500 of available trust funds be invested in Kansas City G a s C o m p a n y First Mortgage 6 % bonds of 1942, at 101. O n motion of M r s . Hopkins, this investment w a s authorized. DATE OF J A N U A R Y MEETING O n motion of M r . Trees, it w a s voted to hold the January meeting at the Blackstone Hotel, in Chicago, at 10 o'clock a.m. on W e d n e s d a y , January 13, 1932. D E G R E E O F M.D. C O N F E R R E D T h e Secretary presented for record the following list of persons on w h o m the degree of Doctor of Medicine has been conferred on the completion of one year of hospital service.