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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
488 board of trustees [November 16 2. Pyrex laboratory glassware, amounting to approximately $2185, for the General Chemical Stores from the Central Scientific Company of Chicago. T h i s report w a s received for record. CAMPUS DRIVES AND SIDEWALKS (12) A report that the Supervising Architect was authorized to increase the contracts with the Lehigh Stone Company of Kankakee for the paving of campus drives, authorized by the Executive Committee on August 25, 1931, and with King and Petry of Champaign for sidewalks, authorized on October 30, last, as follows: Campus Drives 1. A top coating for the President's House drives (approximately 1300 yards), the construction to be a permanent installation and to cost approximately $1 040 00 2. Construction of approximately 6000 yards of armour coat paving to be placed on south campus drives at a cost of 1 320 00 3. Construction of approximately 780 square yards of pavement (five inch compacted water-bound macadam base with two inch compacted pre cot surface) in front of Woman's Gymnasium 1 065 00 $3 425 00 Sidewalks 1. Construction of a walk south of Auditorium to Mathews Avenue, approximately 450 x 6 feet—2700 sq. ft. @ $.28 $ 756 00 2. Construction of a walk east of Dairy Manufactures Building to Pennsylvania Avenue, approximately 650 x 4 feet— 2600 sq. ft. @ $.20 520 00 gl 276 00 The additional cost involved in this extra work will be paid out of the appropriation for campus improvements in the Physical Plant Extension Budget. This report was received for record. GIFTS TO THE UNIVERSITY (13) The following report of gifts received by the University since the last report: 1. From the University of Illinois Mutual Benefit Hospital Association, the sum of $763.49 to cover deficit in operation of McKinley Hospital for the year ending August 31, 1931. 2. A renewal of the Ricker Prize in Architectural History. In 1921 the Alpha Rho Chi Fraternity established certain prizes in Architectural History to consist of books on the history of architecture as a memorial to the late Dr. Nathan Clifford Ricker. This gift was for a ten year period, 1921-1931. T h e fraternity wishes to continue this award for another period of ten years beginning with the present academic year. T h i s report w a s received for record. COMMUNICATION FROM DR. CHARLES E. POLLARD (14) The following letter from Dr. Charles E. Pollard of Champaign, an osteopathic physician, w h o requests permission to practice in theMcKinley Hospital: 205 Co-Op Bldg., Champaign, 111., Oct. 28, 1931 The Honorable Harry Woodburn Chase, President, University of Illinois D e a r Sir:— I a m writing at this time to take up the matter of m y practicing in the McKinley Memorial Hospital located on the campus of the University of Illinois. I a m a graduate of the Chicago College of Osteopathy, Chicago, Illinois, a college chartered and recognized by the State of Illinois. I a m licensed by the State of Illinois, by examination, to practice m y profession in this state. A s a regularly graduated and licensed osteopathic physician, as a citizen and taxpayer of this state I a m asking permission to practice m y profession in the above-named hospital located on the University of Illinois grounds.
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