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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
400 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 27 This report was received for record. REGISTRAR'S REPORT OF FEES (20) The following report from the Registrar of fees assessed for the second semester of 1930-31: URBANA DEPARTMENTS Total Gross Refund Net Total Matriculation Fees. $ 3 670 00 $ 50 00 $ 3 620 00 Incidental Fees Resident 193 262 50 3 462 50 189 800 00 Non-Resident 47 512 50 993 75 46 518 75 Thesis Work in Absentia 9000 9000 Tuition Fees 990 00 131 25 858 75 Visitor's Fees 236 25 236 25 Late Registration Fees 1 230 00 450 00 780 00 Change Fees 1 594 00 100 1 593 00 Special Examination Fees 1 565 00 35 00 1 530 00 Special Fee in English 25 00 25 00 Transcript of Credits Fees 449 00 449 00 Diploma Fees 18 970 00 120 00 18 850 00 Total, General Fees, XJrbana , #269 594 25 $5 243 50 £264 350 75 Laboratory Fees Agronomy 302 00 18 00 284 Oo Anatomy 690 00 1750 672 50 Animal Husbandry 500 500 Athletic Coaching , 469 00 11 50 457 50 Bacteriology. 734 00 18 75 715 25 Botany 643 75 23 00 620 75 Ceramic Engineering 13300 200 13100 Chemistry 19 509 00 1 070 00 18 439 00 Civil Engineering 832 00 12 75 819 25 Dairy Husbandry 160 00 4 00 156 00 Electrical Engineering , 618 00 3 75 614 25 Entomology , 209 50 15 00 194 50 Farm Mechanics 245 00 20 50 224 50 General Engineering Drawing 645 00 27 25 617 75 Geology 345 00 15 25 329 75 Home Economics 1 090 00 40 00 1 050 00 Horticulture 404 00 8 25 395 75 Journalism 316 00 3 50 312 50 Law 56 00 3 00 53 00 Mechanical Engineering.. 1 609 50 22 7s 1 586 75 Mining Engineering 24 50 1 00 23 50 Music 4 487 50 187 50 4 300 00 Physical Education (Women) 2 104 50 58 50 2 046 00 Physics , 2 255 50 38 50 2 217 00 Physiology 806 00 36 75 769 25 Psychology 11500 900 106 00 Public Speaking 275 00 5 00 270 00 Spanish 13 00 50 12 50 T. & A. Mechanics 525 00 17 00 508 00 Zoology 1 916 25 68 75 1 847 50 Total, Laboratory Fees, Urbana $ 41 538 00 $1 759 25 $ 39 778 75 Total Fees, Urbana Departments £311 132 25 £7 002 75 £304 129 50 CHICAGO DEPARTMENTSi Total (21)Total,Fees,includeOF TRUSTrather theitems.$£398700990better,774 several yearthese 0050 ThisassessedThe beenFees,Boardfirstrefundedtheseand locker1842500090 becausethese $£390690 000 INVESTMENT Fees,Chicagoaccount centthan theat$$369total0refunds$on1440040items17Centralof DiplomaFeesfirstmortgage,five., offees,June. $ 0 275of90 $$S 22 40$500of 86Total50 Special Examinationreceivedon authorizedin1930-31.semester715 00$4,500 325 oo2 $$3a501 items 33.547*05-Fee ofyear assessed and record. ObstetricFees Creditsfigures are given FUNDSinvestmentfigures $ academic $ Power 25 Transcript ofthe15Feescollected for semester, bonds The 238During the 10 Alabama has44000 are Registrationfees $ 19,070.83 Fees,Fees, deposits, Laboratory General Fees LateTotal has first semester Physicians'Total Chicago Departmentsper Tuition JunewasChicago Matriculation Fees theUniversity breakage Company,not 2Refund 1Does Courses On report 1 Grossor15 $1 and75 65 30 0 Refund 90 87 50 fees. 582 ^ 344 in 15 142 794 of 68912 25 Net—250 75 64 40 0 30 570 total 22 9 550 been
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