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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
193°1 UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 29 is taken of this deduction the Walrus Company's bid is low. The Head of the Department of Chemistry believes that this substitution can be accepted to advantage. The Supervising Architect therefore recommends that the contract be awarded to the Walrus Manufacturing Company of Decatur at their bid of $48,712.00, less the deduction of ¥5,750, making a net bid of ¥42,962, the University to reserve the option of substituting, without change in price, chemical stoneware sinks for the alberene sinks which were specified. I recommend approval. O n motion of M r s . E v a n s , this contract w a s awarded to the Walrus Manufacturing C o m p a n y as r e c o m m e n d e d . CONTRACT FOR VENTILATION IN WOMAN'S GYMNASIUM (19) At the meeting of the Board on June 10, 1930, a schedule of bids was submitted for the ventilating of the Woman's Gymnasium. All of these bids were rejected because the bids for the general contract were so high that the building could not be constructed within the appropriation. Consequently, the plans were modified and revised bids received. Since modified plans involved very little change in the ventilating, no revised bids were taken on this installation. However, some revisions have been made in this work to reduce the expense and the Supervising Architect recommends that the contract for this work be awarded to Harry Derrough of Champaign, who was the low bidder, on the basis of a deduction of $1,160 from his original bid of $4,940, making a net bid of $3,780. I recommend approval. O n motion of M r . Trees, this contract w a s awarded to Harry Derrough as r e c o m m e n d e d . BOILER HOUSE ADDITION (19) The following report from the Supervising Architect of work done on the remodeling of the Boiler House under the general authorization given by the Board of Trustees on June 19, 1930 (Minutes, page 704): (1) The Alphons Custodis Chimney Construction Company (who built the present stack) bid $2,440 on the changes necessary in cutting two new openings at a higher level and bricking up the old one. The order has been placed with them because, under the circumstances, they will continue to be responsible for the stability of the stack. (2) In the raising of the two boilers, it is necessary for the Babcock & Wilcox Company, who manufactured the present boilers, to furnish the necessary supporting and housing equipment for the greater height of the boilers. This has been carefully detailed; their proposal is $4,409.00, and the order has been placed with them. (3) The additional steel for the building reconstruction has been ordered from the Mississippi Valley Structural Steel Company of Decatur. This firm can give quick delivery on material which has to be specially detailed tofitin with the present steel frame of the building. The amount of this order is $3,644.00. The following are bids which have been received on the setting of the two boilers: National Power Construction Co., Chicago $7 260 00 O. H. Warwick Co., Chicago 6 520 00 Geo. Allen & Co., Chicago 7 780 00 The Supervising Architect recommends that the contract be awarded the O. H. Warwick Company, low bidder, on the basis of their bid of $6,520.00. The following bids have been received on stokers (the new type of forced draft stokers): Johnson & Jennings Co., Cleveland T w o Stowe stokers $ 9 660 00 Illinois Stoker Co., Alton T w o stokers 11 000 00 Babcock & Wilcox Co., Chicago T w o stokers n 471 °o
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