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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
26 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 23 CONTRACT WITH ILLINOIS TERMINAL COMPANY FOR CAR DEMURRAGE CHARGES (9) I report that I have authorized the Comptroller to execute as a minor contract an agreement with the Illinois Terminal Company which enables the University to secure credit for freight cars which can be unloaded in less than the required time as a partial offset for those which cannot be unloaded within the required time and on which demurrage is charged. This agreement replaces a similar contract with the Illinois Traction System, of which the Illinois Terminal Company is the corporate successor. O n m o t i o n of D r . N o b l e , this action w a s confirmed. PURCHASE OF DIPLOMAS FOR THE YEAR 1 930-3 1 (10) The Comptroller recommends the purchase of the diplomas which will be required during the year 1930-31 from the W . M . Welch Manufacturing Company in Chicago at a price of $3,327.70 for 3,110 diplomas. Quotations were secured by the Purchasing Agent on uniform specifications from various manufacturers for diplomas engraved on parchment, with the Welch Company submitting the lowfigure.Provision for the purchase of these diplomas has been made in the budget of the Registrar's Office. I recommend approval of this purchase. O n m o t i o n of M r . A r m s t r o n g , this purchase w a s approved. AGREEMENT WITH CROP PROTECTION INSTITUTE FOR INVESTIGATION O F OIL-SULPHUR COMBINATIONS AS INSECTICIDES A N D FUNGICIDES (11) At the meeting on May 9, 1930 (Minutes, page 584), the Board authorized the execution of an agreement with the Crop Protection Institute (headquarters at Durham, N e w Hampshire) for a cooperative investigation by the Agricultural Experiment Station to determine the effects of certain oil-sulphur combinations as insecticides and fungicides. Subsequently, the Dean of the College of Agriculture and the Head of the Department of Horticulture requested that this agreement be canceled because of the failure of the Company to furnish the funds for this work. This contract was canceled at the meeting of the Board on June 19. 1930. It appears now that the Institute wishes the agreement for this investigation to go forward. In fact, the Institute has already sent the University the first payment of $1,000 under the terms of this agreement. The Dean requests that this contract be restored and I concur. O n m o t i o n of M r . S i m p s o n , this contract w a s restored. INVESTIGATION OF BOILER FURNACE REFRACTORIES (12) On April 12, 1928 (Minutes, page 582), the Board approved an agreement with the Special Research Commission on Boiler Furnace Refractories of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers for a cooperative investigation of boiler furnace refractories by the Engineering Experiment Station. This agreement expired in November, 1929. O n request of the Chairman of the Committee, the Assistant Dean of the College of Engineering recommends that this agreement be renewed now for the period of July 1 to December 1, 1930, in order to continue this investigation. The Committee agrees to contribute the sum of $2380 for that period for the additional expenses of this investigation. I have authorized the renewal of this agreement. O n m o t i o n of M r . A r m s t r o n g , this action w a s confirmed. AGREEMENT WITH THE INSTITUTE OF AMERICAN MEAT PACKERS FOR INVESTIGATION OF BACTERIA IN CANNED MEAT PRODUCTS (13) O n September 18, 1929 (Minutes, page 358), the Board approved an agreement with the Institute of American Meat Packers for a cooperative investigation of the bacteriology of canned meats by the Department of Bacteriology. This agreement expenses ofon September 15, up to that the Institute will have paid $4,860 for the will expire this investigation 1930, and date.
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