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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
24 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 23 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE (C) I a m making this report for, and at the request of, President Chase. I suggest that the Board, through its proper officers, propose to Mr. Lyle Gallivan the selection of a referee agreeable to both sides to determine the points in controversy concerning the survey of the Gallivan property, the line of which, our people contend, extends over on our property, the expense to be divided equally between the two parties. I also recommend the adoption of Professor J. M . White's recommendation contained in his letter of July 4, 1930. I recommend that this matter be referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. O n motion of M r . Fisher, this matter w a s referred to the C o m mittee o n Buildings a n d G r o u n d s for consideration a n d report. T h e Board resumed its consideration of matters presented b y President Chase. ADDITIONAU APPOINTMENTS TO THE CUINICAU STAFF IN THE COUUEGE OF MEDICINE (2) The Dean of the College of Medicine recommends the following additional appointments to the non-salaried clinical faculty for the year 1930-31. Dr. Paul L. Schroeder, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Social Hygiene, Criminology, and Medical Jurisprudence. Dr. Rachelle S. Yarros, Professor of Social Hygiene. Dr. George L. Mohr, Associate in Criminology. These appointments are for one year from September I, 1930. I recommend approval. O n motion of D r . Noble, these appointments were approved. CONTINUATION OF DEAN T. A. CLARK IN ACTIVE SERVICE (3) In order to preserve continuity in the administration of student affairs at this time of transition in the general University administration, I recommend that Dean Thomas Arkle Clark be continued in active service as Dean of M e n and Professor of Rhetoric, for one year from September 1, 1930, at his present salary of $8,000. O n motion of M r s . Grigsby, this recommendation w a s adopted. UEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR DR. SIMEON BERMAN (4) The Dean of the College of Medicine reports that Dr. Simeon Berman, Associate in Pediatrics, is in London i l with Malta fever, that his convalescence may be indefl inite and therefore he cannot be certain of being back for thefirstsemester of 1930-31. In view of this situation I recommend that Dr. Berman be given a leave of absence without pay from September 1, 1930, to February 1, 1931. O n motion of M r . Armstrong, this leave w a s granted. C. P. A. CERTIFICATES (5) The Committee on Accountancy recommends that the following candidates, who are certified by the Board of Examiners in Accountancy as having passed the May, 1930, examination, be awarded C. P. A. certificates. I concur in this recommendation. Earle Dickinson Atwater Kenneth Everett Miller Victor Orlando Bergquist Forrest Glenn Paddock Martin Lee Black, Jr. James Gladstone Phillips Clarence Bailey Cox Samuel A Sakolsky Arthur Clarence Droegemueller Ralph Hugh Schuette Homer Lloyd Druley Lester Charles Simons Robert Gilman Ely Lee James Skoner Russell John Fox Kenneth Lee Smith Walter F. Frese Bernard M Vaughan Sydney Gordon Glaysher Herman Wendorf Morton F. Haslacher Arthur R Weinstein Charles Paul Kries Clinton Edward Zimmerman Gaze Elmer Lukas James P.George Kaiser Linnen Arthur W ArthurWinkler Russell Zimmerman
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