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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I93IJ UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 229 On motion of Dr. Noble, this gift was accepted. A t this point, President Barr, being called from the r o o m , asked M r . A r m s t r o n g to take the chair. CONTRACT FOR EQUIPMENT FOR THE MEDICAL. AND DENTAL LABORATORIES BUILDING (21) The Supervising Architect has secured bids and estimates on the equipment required for the completion and furnishing of the Medical and Dental Laboratories Building. This equipment includes book stacks, library furniture, general furnishings, including loose furniture not contained in the library equipment, and certain other items. I will ask him to present these bids and estimates. Professor White presented the following items. LIBRARY EQUIPMENT M a y 13, 1931 Board of Trustees, University of luinots, Re: Medical and Dental College Laboratories Polk and Lincoln Sts., Chicago Library Stacks Gentlemen: W e submit the following bids received for providing necessary new book stacks and the moving of certain old book stacks, required for the Medical and Dental College Laboratories, all in accordance with our drawings and specifications: Library Bureau $5 671 00 Art Metal Construction C o 5 8 50 00 General Fireproofing Co 5 900 41 Jamestown Metal Equipment C o 6 085 00 Snead & Company 6 140 00 Watson Mfg. Co 8 273 00 W e recommend that this contract be awarded to the low bidder, the Library Bureau for the amount of their bid of $5,671.00. Very truly yours, I concur. Granger & Bollenbacher James M. White By J O. Merrell . On motion of Dr. Noble, this contract was awarded to the lowest bidder, as recommended. MUSEUM CASES M a y 13, 1931 Board of Trustees, University of Illinois, Re: Medical and Dental College Laboratories Polk and Lincoln Sts., Chicago Museum Cases Gentlemen: W e submit herewith bids received for providing the museum cases required in the Medical and Dental College Laboratories in accordance with our drawings and specifications: Art Metal Construction Co $3 415 00 Y a w m a n & Erbe Mfg. Co 5 500 00 Interior Metal Equipment Co 5 600 00 W e recommend that this contract be awarded to the low bidder, the Art Metal Construction Company, for the amount of their bid of $3,415.00. Very truly yours, I concur. Granger & Bollenbacher James M. White By J O. Merrell . On motion of Dr. Noble, this contract was awarded to the lowest bidder, as recommended.
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