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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
J93i] UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 221 4. From the Grand Council of Alpha Rho Chi, a bronze medal to be awarded by the Department of Architecture to one of its "graduating seniors who has shown an ability for L E A D E R S H I P , performed willing S E R V I C E for his school and department, and gives promise of real professional M E R I T thru his attitude and personality." 5. Gifts to the Department of Chemistry for its X-ray laboratory: One X-Ray Power Plant, valued at $6,500, from the Radiological Research Institute, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri, Edwin C. Ernst, M.D., President; T w o Special Multiple X-Ray Diffraction Units, valued at $3,000 each, and also auxiliary equipment for metallurgical research, including special cameras, steel rolls, and specimen grinders, altogether valued at about $1,500, presented jointly by the Cold Metal Process Company of Youngstown, Ohio, and the Allegheny Steel Company of Brackenridge, Pennsylvania. This report was received for record. PURCHASE OF LABORATORY MATERIAL FOR 1931-32 (16) A request from the Comptroller and the Purchasing Agent for authority to purchase laboratory equipment for the year 1931-32 as follows: Owens Glass Company, Alton $ 234 74 A. H. Klapprodt Company, Detroit 90 00 Duffield File & Tool Company, N e w York City 265 00 Belden Manufacturing Company, Chicago 38 03 Wilkens Anderson Company, Chicago 369 00 Chicago Apparatus Company, Chicago 1 335 85 Schaar and Company, Chicago 2 487 35 E. H. Sargent and Company, Chicago 338768 Henry Heil Company, St. Louis 519 24 Rascher and Betzold, Chicago 2 319 35 A. Daigger and Company, Chicago 1 694 60 Central Scientific Company, Chicago 263 95 W . M . Welch Scientific Company, Chicago 369 23 Total $13 374 02 In accordance with our practice competitive quotations were secured from a number of concerns on uniform specifications and the purchases will be made at the lowest price in each case, quality and suitability of material considered. This material will be charged as issued to the various departments which will draw it out and provision for its purchase will be made in their budgets. The purchase will be made charged to the Revolving Fund of the General Chemical Storeroom. I concur in this recommendation. O n motion of D r . Noble, the purchase of this material w a s authorized. APPROVAL OF PURCHASE OF PAPER (17) A report of the purchase of a carload of book paper for the printing of bulletins in the Print Shop from the Moser Paper Company at a price of $2,510, f.o.b. Urbana. O n motion of M r . Armstrong, this purchase w a s approved. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS (18) T h e following report from the Comptroller of contracts and purchases orders executed since the last report: CONTRACTS of Heatinga r received4,1931, March MApage authorization Engineering heating Trustees Society EXECUTEDh BYexecutedCOMPTROLLER American in meeting ofagreement byTHE Minutes Y and187: Cooperative research M APRIL to1931, TO 18, For cooperative Purpose the Board of and Ventilating Engineers c?is 12, 00 Name Amount the 1931 Universitybe coo Datespecialment Station investigation of Experion 0, 1931 ventilating by of
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