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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i93'l UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 209 REGISTRAR'S R E P O R T O F (20) The following report from the Registrar of fees assessed for thefirstsemester of 1930-31 in the Urbana and Chicago departments: URBANA DEPARTMENTS Net Total Gross Refund $ 38 070 00 Matriculation Fees S 39 110 00 $1 040 00 6 »7 W 15 62 5 5 207 942 50 Incidental Fees 50 306 25 11 2 3 S Resident 21+ 480 00 220 00 + 10 C O Non-Resident 51 862 50 2C O r 083 75 Thesis work in Absentia 220 00 20 5 0 341 25 2 0 0 0 Tuition Fees I 215 00 Visitor's Fees Total, General Fees, Urbana S315341 25 $9 762 co $305745 co25 577 815 1 822 00 Late Registration Fees 1 195 00 Laboratory Fees 5 50 I 750 00 331 50 Change Fees Agronomy $ 1 824 00 337 60 00 660 00 334 SO Special Examination Fees 775 00 Anatomy 720 00 50 50 4 200 CO 5 CO TranscriptHusbandry Fees 334 °° Animal of Credits 5 5° 39 50 506 50 Diploma Fees 4 220 00 Athletic Coaching 557 co 43 SO 674 50 Bacteriology 7'4 00 17 SO 937 50 Botany 981 00 I 235 50 205 50 Ceramic Engineering 223 00 12 75 19 797 63 Chemistry 21 033 13 4 50 573 75 Civil Engineering 586 50 5 50 87 50 Dairy Husbandry 92 00 32 00 641 00 Electrical Engineering 646 50 27 00 ir 75 304 75 Entomology , 336 75 275 00 50 160 25 Farm Mechanics 172 00 H55 50 3 25 16 50 French 17 co 80 50 8 75 993 50 General Engineering Drawing r 049 00 40 75 25 25 20 493 00 Geology 501 5° 8 00 28 15 74 50 Total, Laboratory Fees, Urbana $ 1 221 50 $ 2 299 40 45 725 26 I 196 25 Home Economics 23 50 Total Fees, £361568 50 $12 061 40 302 5' 540 50 Horticulture Urbana Departments CHICAGO D E P A R T M E N434 00 TS 410 50 Journalism Refund Net Total00 Gross 00 37 Law 37 3 460 50 Matriculation Engineering. £ 3 921 00 $ 130 00 $ I 894 00 Mechanical Fees 1 590 50 2 175 68 67 386 CO Tuition Fees 69 562 00 28 si Mining Engineering 28 19 500 00 Physicians Courses 500 00 4 450 00 Music 4 725 00 50 75 Late Total.General Fees(Women) Registration Fees, Chicago 50 00 00 $2 305 68 2 280 00 Physical Education 2 682 $ 74394 19 15 75 Transcript of Credits 365 00 $ 52 00 15 00 2 868 00 Physics 2 949 50 Obstetric Fee t 1 Fees 4.15 2; Special Examination Fees 435 50 817 CO Physiology Laboratory Fees $ 21 857 50 $ 910 03 7 " °° 530 00 Diploma Fees Chicago Departments 530 691 94 00 Psychology Total Fees, J 97102 00 $ 3 267 71 758 50 •Does not include a total of 315,156.58 charged as deposit?, breakage, and locker* 72Of376 51 fees. 15 00 this Railway Engineering 15 20 Total Fees, University *459 061 00 $15 329 11 $ I 313 00 amount £771.93 was refunded. 757 25 T. T hA.sMechanics w a s received for record. 778 00 & i report $ 20 647 47 1 801 73 Zoology 1 721 88 $ 43 98 $ 94 490425 86 *443 J349 241 II
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