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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1931] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 205 the Urbana departments; and that the purchase of a machine for the Chicago departments be authorized. O n motion of Mr. Williams, these recommendations were adopted; the appropriation was made by the following vote: Aye, M r . Armstrong, M r . Barr, M r . Barrett, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Grigsby, Mrs. Hopkins, M r . Trees, M r . Williams; no, none; absent, Mr. Emmerson, Dr. Noble. SICK LEAVE FOR PROFESSOR C E. PALMER (8) A request from the Head of the Department, endorsed by the Dean of the College, that Professor C. E. Palmer of the Department of Architecture be given leave of absence until September 1, 1931, on full pay on account of serious illness. I recommend that Professor Palmer be given sick leave on full pay until September 1, 1931. O n m o t i o n of M r . Blair, this leave w a s granted. RETIREMENT OF DEAN KENDR1CC. BABCOCK (9) Dr. Kendric C. Babcock, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Provost of the University, requests that he be retired effective September 1, 1931, under Section III, Paragraph (a) of the rules governing Retiring Allowances. H e has been on the staff continually, except for leave of absence twice on account of illness and once for foreign travel, since April 23, 1913, and has served as Provost since September, 1920. At various times he has also served as Director of the Summer Session. H e is well beyond the minimum age when he m a y request retirement under the rules. I recommend approval of this request. O n motion of M r . Blair, this request w a s granted, a n d the President of the University w a s requested to c o n v e y to D e a n B a b c o c k a n expression of the appreciation of the Board, for his distinguished services to the University. OAKLEAF COLLECTION OF L1NCOLNIANA (10) A statement concerning the Oakleaf collection of Lincolniana, which is offered for sale to the University. O n m o t i o n of M r . Trees, a special c o m m i t t e e consisting of President Barr, President C h a s e , M r . Blair, M r s . H o p k i n s , a n d M r . Williams w a s appointed to investigate this matter a n d to report to the B o a r d as soon as possible. CONTRACTS AWARDED BY ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION FOR SKATING RINK (11) The following report of contracts awarded by the Athletic Association for the skating rink: General Work—Trimmer-Nydele Company, i n West Washington Street, Chicago, Illinois ... $186 461 Plumbing and Heating—A. W . Murray Company, Hoopeston, Illinois. ... 31 550 Electrical Work—Hatfield Electric Co., Indianapolis, Indiana 18 96a Refrigerating—Carbondale Machinery Co., 222 Kinzie, Chicago, Illinois.. . 54 705 Insulation—Armstrong Cork & Ins. Co., Lancaster, Pennsylvania 2 738 I Five per °tota° cost This report w a s received for record. INSURANCE FOR UNIVERSITY AUTOMOBILES (12) The Supervising Architect and the Comptroller report that in accordance with the policy of the Board, adopted March 13, 1928, (Minutes, page 565), they have placed property damage and public liability insurance on University automobiles for
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