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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
194 BOARD OF TRUSTEES I N S U R A N C E O N SECURITIES IN E S C R O W [March 12 (28) A recommendation of the Comptroller that the securities in which the endowment of the McKinley professorship is invested be insured in the National Surety Company at a cost of $25 8 a year. By requirement of the deed of gift, these securities are held in escrow by the Trevett-Mattis Banking Company. O n motion of M r . Williams, this insurance w a s authorized, the p r e m i u m to b e paid from the income from the securities. THIRD UNIT OF WOMAN'S RESIDENCE HAULS (29) The Supervising Architect has prepared general plans for the third unit of the Woman's Residence Halls, estimated to cost $250,000 without furnishings. O n motion of M r s . E v a n s , the Board approved in general the designs submitted, a n d instructed the Supervising Architect to prepare working drawings a n d to report progress from time to time. PURCHASE OF TURNER PROPERTY (30) A recommendation that the Turner property on Goodwin Street be purchased for $9000. There is a mortgage for $2500 on this property, which may be left, so that the present expenditure need be but $6500. O n motion of D r . Noble, this purchase w a s authorized. T h e appropriation of #9000, or so m u c h thereof as m a y b e necessary, w a s m a d e b y the following vote: A y e , M r . Armstrong, M r . Barr, M r . Barrett, M r s . E v a n s , M r s . Grigsby, M r s . Hopkins, D r . Noble, M r . Williams; no, none; absent, M r . Blair, M r . E m m e r s o n , M r . Trees. PURCHASE OF PROPERTY ON SPRINGFIELD AVENUE (31) A piece of property on Springfield Avenue, which may be used as a cooperative rooming house for girls, is offered. This matter w a s referred to the C o m m i t t e e o n Student Welfare for consideration a n d report. EXTRAS ON PRESIDENT'S HOUSE Professor White read a letter to President Barr recommending that 35000 additional be appropriated for extras in the contract for the President's House. This includes #3150 out of $8900 for extras recommended by M r . Piatt, and certain items recommended by Professor White. March 12, 1931 Mr. George A. Barr, President of the Board of Trustees, University of Illinois Dear Mr. Barr: In the course of the detailing of the interior work in the President's House, Mr. Piatt has elaborated the work so as to involve a large number of extras. Some of these obviously were advantageous and well worth while. W e have, however, estimates from the general contractor amounting to $8900 for extras which have not been authorized. In designing the interior, Mr. Piatt has of course designed it all harmoniously, and we are now finding it difficult to eliminate one extra without revising adjacent details. I wish it might be possible for us to carry this house thru in its entirety in accordance with Mr. Piatt's ideas, but as there must be a limit, I suggest that, of this $8900 worth of extras, a list of which is enclosed, you approve about J3150 worth. There are other extras in sight amounting to S1350, the oil burner will cost $1000, and our office expense to complete will be about $2000. These figures total $7500, and we have at present a $3500 free balance in the appropriations already made, with a few other extras probable.
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