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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1931] UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 189 Building to the W . W . Kimball Company of Chicago on the basis of its low bid of $58,126.80 (opened January 2,1931). The Company had submitted a second, revised bid on January 2 with the request that it be substituted for the original bid on the ground that the Company made an error in estimating the original bid. The Board refused to accept the revised bid and to permit the Company to withdraw its original bid. Consequently, on February 5, 1931, a representative of the Company stated to the Board in writing that the Company's original bid of $58,126.80 still stands. In view of this statement the contract was awarded on that basis. The Supervising Architect now reports that the Kimball Company has declined to execute the contract and that consequently he has requested the Comptroller to cash the certified check for $1,250 which the Company submitted with its bid. H e recommends that the contract be awarded to the Kewaunee Manufacturing Company, the second low bidder, on the basis of its bid of $107,015.80. I concur in this recommendation. O n m o t i o n of D r . N o b l e , this r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s adopted. APPROVAL. OF- VARIOUS PURCHASES (16) A report of the approval of the following purchases amounting to one thousand dollars or over since the last report was made to the Board: Reimbursement of A. W . Stoolman, contractor, for labor and material furnished by the Twin City Roofing Company, Champaign, in repairing the slate roof and flashing, erecting new gutter and downspouts, and applying new gravel roofing on the Boiler House Addition in the amount of $1,154.01. A carload of Redwood Lumber from the Union Lumber Company (through the Danville office) at a price of $1,434.50 f.o.b. Urbana, subject to two per cent discount i paid by June 30, 1931, for the use of the Physical Plant Department in cabinet f work and repairs. Acids for the General Chemical Storeroom from the Grasselli Chemical Company on the basis of their low bid of $2,466. These chemicals are purchased under contract. A minor contract with Frank A. Somers Company for the rough grading on Goodwin Avenue extension on the basis of their low bid of $780. Six thousand feet of electrical cable for extension of electric service lines to the skating rink, tennis courts, and handball courts in the N e w Gymnasium from the Graybar Electric Company, one of the low bidders, at a price of $3,904.57. T h i s report w a s received for record. GIFTS TO THE UNIVERSITY (17) The following report of gifts received by the University since the last report was made to the Board: 1. From Standard Brands Incorporated the sum of $500 for a continuation of the investigation of the antiseptic properties of the skin by the College of Medicine. This supplements the initial gift of $1,000 made for this study last year (Board Minutes, M a y 9, 1930, page 582). 2. A bequest from the late Mrs. Mary F. Kitchell of Pana of "Miscellaneous and Law Libraries of m y late husband, together with the movable book-cases." The Law Library was disposed of by the deceased during her lifetime but the rest of the Library collected by the late John W . Kitchell remains and will be turned over to the University by the executor pursuant to Mrs. Kitchell's Will. This report w a s received for record. INVESTMENT OF McKINLEY HOSPITAL E N D O W M E N T F'UNDS (18) The Comptroller reports that in accordance with the action of the Board of Trustees on February 5 and 6, 1931, he has completed the purchase of the following investments of the McKinley Hospital Endowment Funds: 1. First Farm Mortgage of Charles Gourdier, interest at -,yi.%, issued March 1, 1931, maturity March 1, 1938, $10,000. 1931, n First i o n eofd D t i oN oofl ethe Finance Cw a s iapproved. issued February 6, O maturity m n a r . 1, 1936,, $2,000. 2. m o t o m February n b James W . action interesttat e a n d o n motion of r e c Farm Mortgage of this Castor, o m m t e $}4 %,
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