Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
193*] UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 183 warrants on the University Treasurer, covering vouchers approved in accordance with the regulations of the Board. The President and the Secretary of the Board of Trustees are authorized to delegate to the Comptroller authority to sign the name of the President or of the Secretary of the Board of Trustees to vouchers against the State Auditor, and to warrants on the University Treasurer in case of emergency; provided that under no circumstances shall the Comptroller sign the names of both the President and the Secretary to the same warrant or voucher. A t this point, M r s . Hopkins took her place with the Board. M R . H A Z E N S. C A P R O N E L E C T E D T R E A S U R E R Mr. Capron made a statement concerning the attitude of bonding companies in the matter of writing security bonds covering liability for losses which might occur through n o fault of the officer secured. O n motion of M r . Williams, the following resolution w a s adopted: B E I T R E S O L V E D , that M r . Hazen S. Capron be elected Treasurer of the University of Illinois for the ensuing biennium, and that he furnish a personal bond with securities satisfactory to the Board. A N D B E IT F U R T H E R R E S O L V E D , that the Treasurer require the depository or depositories selected b y h i m to deposit in trust securities of such character and in such a m o u n t as will secure the funds so deposited. A N D B E IT F U R T H E R R E S O L V E D , that the Treasurer shall pay such interest (not less than 2 per cent) on the funds in his hands as m a y from time to time be agreed. TREASURER'S B O N D On motion of Mr. Armstrong, the President of the Board was authorized to appoint a special committee of three members, of whom he should be one, to act in conjunction with the Legal Counsel to formulate the bond of the Treasurer and to present it to the Board for approval. President Barr appointed M r . Williams and M r . Barrett to serve with h i m on this committee. AUTHORITY TO RECEIVE M O N E Y O n motion of Dr. Noble, the following resolution w a s adopted: R E S O L V E D , that the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois be and he is hereby authorized to receive and receipt for all moneys, and to endorse all orders, drafts, and checks due and payable to the University of Illinois, and especially all drafts drawn b y the Treasurer of the United States payable to the Board of Trustees or to the University of Illinois. MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT CHASE T h e Board considered the following matters presented b y the President of the University.