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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
158 board of trustees [February 5 Sthrtiui " C R ^ S U M M A R Y OF RECEIPTS A N D DISBURSEMENTS 1930-31 TO DECEMBER 31, 1930 and State Balance Receipts Balance DisburseAppropriDecember 31, tnents Funds in Possession oj University July 1, T030 ations 1930 Treasurer $676 062 68 tl 070 490 09 $1 073 298 36 $673 252 96 General Fund 165 345 19) 177 942 47 127 540 60 (I 285 447 34) (I 238 046 83 215 937 25 Trust Fund (851 195 43) (803 603 28) Total 202 520 00 515 019 42 I 757 367 65 1 960 171 77 Stale Appropriations 76 608 98 73 391 02 150 coo 00 For Operation 21 114 06 2 M 5 13 13 866 52 34 980 38 Salaries and Wages 283 361 35 16 306 70 203 753 78 485 000 00 Office Expense 77 249 2' 20 154 28 160 000 00 99 057 49 Travel 142 659 46 (241 096 11) 290 000 00 147 340 54 Operation 67 790 50 82 363 78 130 000 00 Repairs 765 000 00) (2 426 151 zt) 2 579 944 9o) Equipment 59 484 44 52 329 22 7 155 22 Improvements 154 379 85 117 694 35 272 074 20 Total, Operation I 459 023 398 190 92I 060 832 21 13 796 80 For Buildings 5 269 25 U 75 572 13 527 55 10 256 00 86 684 79 (241 892 91) 234 000 92 Agricultural Buildings (7 280 276 58 (3 281 528 63 (4 892 985 95 045 496 19 $i 080 437 61 $4 519 032 70 #4 040 404 10 366 213 27) 97 183 51) 183 181 67) Chemistry Annex (2 of 276 27) Operations of State Mill Tax Fund for the University30s Illinois, (849 504 75) (' 455 771 52) Medical 1930,Dental Labo- 31, 1930 July 1, and to December * 5 3 46 6 8 7 ratories IS I 7 87 O 1 8 Free Balance in Fund July 1, 1930 Power Plant Addition 1930 s. 5 8 1 3 4 5 0 5 Receipts to December 31, Woman's Gymnasium 202 520 00 I 5 7 6 8 1 Vouchers Issued against Fund 5 7 4 Total, 1929-30 University Budget Applied on Buildings $ 355 '58 14 2 1 *- 4 5 3 For Special 1930-31 University Budget (see Schedule B) Purposes Applied on 1 Agricultural Experiment Available Balance December 31, 1930 Schedule D Station, Cook County..U M M A R Y O F A P P R O P R I A T I O N S S Total, State _ A S A T D E C E M B E R 31, 1930 EncumFree Grand Total Si Total Disbursebrances Balance Credils ments 21 319 55 $ 220 224 7; Administration and General $ 441 344 08 $ 199 799 78 ) 41 827 04 4 25 211 96 679 07 Library 285 448 94 146 942 83 535 680 47 3 941 Agriculture 182 845 63 4 041 University Appropriation 1 n 6 344 33 555 452 83 647 078 13 10 705 16 307 68 U. S. Extension 314 802 81 128 015 75 364 084 95 6 001 238 10 Liberal Arts and Sciences 1 182 509 78 531 389 96 43 643 54 17 00 424 336 55 Engineering 706 844 43 332 053 69 62 45 Graduate School 86 401 14 36 756 43 15 325 20 820 64 Medicine, Dentistry and Phar44 615 06 I 036 52 macy 853 866 11 413 22r 88 16 521 30 50 00 Journalism 31 348 67 15 785 37 13 509 25 670 30 Law 84 224 50 39 592 44 31 101 05 4 044 04 136 294 43 3 357 324 95 Library School 28 957 52 12 436 22 110 103 32 Military 19 1B4 82 5 613 12 I 693 40 Music 62 563 60 30 641 91 100 837 57 83 554 " 355 975 92 Education 193 866 21 82 504 74 125 048 12 119 885 87 45 127 30 363 916 12 t} 757 634 28 Summer Session, 1930 8r 589 29 79 805 89 66 059 06 Summer Session, 193 1 84 105 00 79 08 339 770 76 Commerce 219 2 H 57 98 906 99 Physical Welfare 130 785 94 60 682 84 Physical Plant Operation and Maintenance Land, Grand Total and Improve- $929032299 $416938957 $1 OtherBuildings, Special Sub-totalState Building Appro- 6 682 532 00 3 342 363 59 1 ments priations Appropriations 2 605 513 98 305 134 74 379 276 27 848 884 99 208 134 24 112 369
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