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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

142 board of trustees [January 9 Financial Statement The balance on hand at the beginning of the presentfiscalyear was $26,948.37. The receipts for the year were $10,501.25. The total disbursements were $7,294.08. The balance at the close of thefiscalyear was $30,155.54. A completefinancialstatement for the year is attached. Respectfully submitted, University Committee on Accountancy Maurice H. Robinson Chairman G. P. Tuttle Secretary Financial Statement July 1, 1929, to June 30, 1930 Receipts Examination Fees $10 625 00 Less refunds 236 25 $10 388 75 Sale of Questions 47 50 Fee for Duplicate Certificate 5 00 American Institute (refund on fees).. 60 00 Total Receipts $10 501 25 Expenses Payment to Board of Examiners $ 3 888 38 Stenographic and Clerical 2 287 28 Printing and Publication 238 10 Travel 303 61 Office Supplies and Equipment 32 01 Postage 80 00 Advertising 101 10 Telephone, Telegraph, Freight & Express 47 70 Rentals 300 00 Total Expenses 7 278 18 Bill charged but not yet paid 15 90 $ 7 294 08 Excess of receipts over expenses $ 3 207 17 Business Office Balance July 1, 1929 $26 665 05 Plus Account transferred to Entrance Examinations 283 32 Correct Business Office Balance July 1, 1929 26 948 37 Excess receipts over expenses 3 207 17 3 207 17 $30 155 54 This report w a s received for record. FACULTY COMMITTEE ON PATENTS (18) In accordance with the recommendation of the Committee on Patents of the Board of Trustees that a patent committee be appointed from the faculty of the University to serve as a working committee and to confer regarding matters of policy with the Board committee, I report that the following committee has been appointed: Professor S. W . Parr, Chairman Professor James M . White Professor E. C. Schmidt ThisJudge Sveinbjorn Johnson record. Professor w a s received for report H. P. Ruse
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