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Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

98 COLLEGE OF SCIENCE of the first of these lines is largely general mechanical physics; that of the second more especially chemical. The laboratory work follows the same lines. The additional studies necessary to complete the forty credits required for graduation may be elected from the various University courses, with the approval of the head of the department of physics. COURSE OF INSTRUCTION BY YEARS AND TERMS F i r s t Year 1. Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry (Math. 2, 4); German 1; Chemistry 1; Rhetoric 2; Military 1, 2; Physical Training 1. 2. Advanced Algebra (Math. 2); German 1; Chemistry 2; Chemistry 3a or Rhetoric 2; Military 1, 2; Physical Training I. 3. Analytical Geometry (Math. 6); German 8; Chemistry 2; Chemistry 4, or Rhetoric 2; Military 1, 2; Physical Training I. Second Year 1. Physics 1, 3; Differential Calculus (Math. 7); Rhetoric 2; German 6, or Chemistry 5a; Military 1, 2. 2. Physics 1, 3; Advanced Analytical Geometry (Math. 8); Rhetoric 2; German 6, or Chemistry 5b, 12; Military 1, 2. 3. Physics 1, 3; Integral Calculus (Math. 9); Rhetoric 2; German 6, or Chemistry 12; Military 1, 2. Third Year Physics 5, 6; Mathematics io, 16; Astronomy or Chemistry 7; German 6; Electives. Fourth Year Physics 7, or Physics 7, 8; Electives. It will generally be necessary to follow the above, but other arrangements consistent with sequences of course may be made in special cases. DESCRIPTION OF DEPARTMENTS. CHEMISTRY The chemical offerings include courses of instruction in general elementary, inorganic, organic, physical, and theoretical chemistry, and several lines of qualitative and
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