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Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

ADMINISTRATION OF THE UNIVERSITY GOVERNMENT The government of the University is vested by the Trustees primarily in the President of the University, in the Faculty, in the Council of Administration, and in the Deans. The President is the executive head of the University. The Dean of the General Faculty has general oversight of the instructional work of the University, and especial supervision of the graduate school. By order of the Board of Trustees he also fills the office of Vice-President. The Dean of each college is responsible for the enforcement of all University regulations within his college. The Council of Administration is composed of the President, the Dean of the General Faculty, the Dean of the Woman's Department and the Deans of the separate colleges. It constitutes an advisory board to> the President, and has exclusive jurisdiction over all matters of discipline. The Council does not exercise general legislative functions, but when any matter arises which has not been provided for by rule or common usage or legislative action by the General Faculty, and which cannot be conveniently laid over till the next meeting of the General Faculty, the Council may act upon the same according to its discretion, and its action in such cases is not subject to reversal by the General Faculty. The determination of the general internal policy of the University is in charge of the Faculty. The faculties of the different colleges and schools of the University are composed of the members of the corps 4 (49)
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