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Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

HISTORY 197 8. HOMER.—Continuation of course 7. Winter term, at 3.05, full credit. Professor Moss. Required: Greek 7. 9. O L D GREEK LIFE.—Course of semi-weekly lectures upon old Greek life, political, social, etc. For those who take the lectures and minimum reading, half credit; for others, full credit. Spring term, at 3.20. Professor Moss. 101. 102. COURSES FOR GRADUATES Herodotus. Plato. HISTORY 1. MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN EUROPEAN HISTORY.—Elemen- tary, introductory course. F., at 2.30, three-fifths credit. 2. Fall, winter, and spring terms, M., W., Professor GREENE and Dr. HOWLAND. HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION TO CONTEMPORARY POLITICS.— The political history of the nineteenth century. Fall and winter terms, Tu., Th., at 2.20, two-fifths credit. Professor GREENE. 3. AMERICAN HISTORY.—The origin and growth of the nation from the beginning of English colonization in America to the close of the Reconstruction period. Fall, winter, and spring terms, at 8, one credit. Students may, however, enter the course at the beginning of the winter term, omitting the colonial era. Professor GREENE. Required: History 1 or 2. 4. ENGLISH CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY.—Designed especially for those who are intending to take the course in Law. Fall, winter, and spring terms, M., IV., F., at 10, three-fifths credit. Dr. HOWLAND. Required: History 1. 5. T H E HISTORY OF GREECE AND ROME.—This course is in- tended particularly to meet the needs of students who intend to teach the classics and ancient history in secondary schools. Fall, winter, and spring terms, three-fifths credit. Dr. HOWLAND. [Omitted in 1898-99.] 6. HISTORY OF ROME.—The aim of this course, which is intended to be introductory to History 1, will be to give a general survey of the ancient world before the appearance of the Germans, rather than to trace the economic and political history of the city. Spring term, at 2.20, full credit. Dr. HOWLAND. 7. MODERN EUROPEAN HISTORY.—Europe from the age of Louis XIV. to the present time. Fall, winter, and spring terms,
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