Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

194 4. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF COURSES GENERAL GEOLOGY, MINOR COURSE.—This course includes a selection of such geological facts and theories as known to every intelligent person, with such discussion the time will permit. The subjects treated will be fully and opportunity will be afforded for some study of should be of them as illustrated, rocks and fossils. LeConte's Elements of Geology. Winter term, at 1.15, full credit. Professor ROLFE and Mr. HUBBARD. NOTE.—Geology ia and b may be taken as a minor instead of geology 4, by students who have had mineralogy 1; or geology ia and c may be so taken by students who have had majors in botany and zoology. COURSES FOR GRADUATES 101. PALEONTOLOGY.—A critical and comparative study of the fossils found in the rocks of Illinois. 102. ECONOMIC GEOLOGY.—The effects which variations in the chemical composition and physical constitution of inorganic substances used in the arts have on the qualities of the manufactured product, and should have on methods of manufacture. A critical examination of the tests now employed in determining the qualities of building stones. 103. ILLINOIS GEOLOGY.—Glacial geology in relation to water supply of drift-covered regions. Dynamic and stratigraphic geology of the Ozark uplift in Illinois. GERMAN 1. ELEMENTARY COURSE.—Thomas's Practical German Grammar; Super's German Reader; Storm's Immensee, with Hatfield's Composition, based on Immensee; Heyse's L'Arrabiata, or other easy narrative prose. Fall and winter terms, at 9. at 10, at 11, and at 2.20, full credit. Mr. ROWELL and Mr. MEYER. 2. READING AND COMPOSITION.—During the fall term narra- tive and descriptive or historical prose is translated and work in composition is based upon Jagemann's Prose and Syntax. In the winter and spring terms the works read are selected from the German classics. Exercises in reading at sight and in composition, based upon the texts translated, are required. Fall, winter, and spring terms, at 8 and at 1.20, full RHOADES and Mr. MEYER. 3. credit. Associate Professor Required: German 1 and 8, or two years of high school work. CRITICAL STUDY OF CLASSICAL AUTHORS.—Translation and collateral reading. In 1898-99 this course may be elected as 3b;