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Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 187 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 1. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING.—A short course of lectures with laboratory practice, intended for students in mechanical engineering and for others who require only a very general acquaintance with dynamo-electric machinery and its use for lighting and power purposes. Spring term, lecture, Tu., Th., F., at 2.20; laboratory, Sec. A, M., at 1.30; Sec. B, W., at 1.30, full credit. Assistant Professor SWENSON. 3a. DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINERY.—Lectures on theory of dynamo-electric machinery, particularly direct-current machines, with experimental study of the same in the dynamo laboratory. The course includes the theory and use of the instruments used in dynamo testing. Fall term, lecture, M., W., F., at 1.20; laboratory, Tu., Th., Sat., at 9, and M., Th., F., at 2.20, full credit. Assistant Professor SWENSON. Required: Physics 4 and Electrical Engineering 11. 3b. DESIGN OF ELECTRO-MAGNETS AND DIRECT CURRENT MA- CHINERY.—Drafting, with supplementary lectures on the practical construction of electro-magnetic mechanisms and dynamo-electric machines. Each student designs one or more electro-magnets for specific duty, and a direct-current dynamo machine, and prepares detailed drawings of the same. Fall term, lecture, Th., at 1.20, and Sat., at S; drafting, M., Th., F., at 2.20, and Tu., Th., Sat., at p; threefifths credit. Assistant Professor ESTY. Required: Physics 4 and Electrical Engineering 11. 4a. ALTERNATING CURRENTS AND ALTERNATING CURRENT MA- CHINERY.—Lectures on the theory and application of alternating electric currents, with very complete experimental study of alternating current instruments and apparatus. There will be a short course on electro-motive forces of higher frequency and the modern views of electricity. Winter and spring terms, lecture, M., W., F., at 1.15; laboratory, arrange; full credit. Professor CARMAN and Assistant Professor SWENSON. 4b. DESIGN OF ALTERNATING CURRENT MACHINERY.—Draft- ing and lectures. Design and construction of alternating current transformers, alternators, and alternating current motors. Typical examples of alternating current apparatus are designed and detailed drawings made. Winter and spring terms, lecture, W'., at 8.20; drafting, arrange; three-fifths credit. Assistant Professor ESTY. Required: Electrical Engineering 3b.
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