Caption: Course Catalog - 1897-1898 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

178 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF COURSES lead, gold, and silver ores. Fluxes, reagents, and charges are studied in connection with various typical ores and practice given in use of the crucible and muffle furnaces and in the manipulations connected with fire assaying. Fall term, lecture, M., Th., at 3.20; laboratory at i.2O, full credit. Professor PARR and Mr. ROSE. Required: Chemistry 5b. (b) ELECTRO-METALLURGY.—A study of the methods employed in the electrolytic separation and refining of metals, treatment of ores, etc. The laboratory work involves practice in actual separations, a quantitative check being made on all results. Winter term, lecture, M., Th., at 3.20; laboratory, at 1.20, full credit. Professor PARR. Required: Chemistry 5b. (c) ELECTRO-CHEMICAL ANALYSIS.—A study of methods and practice in quantitative determination by electrolytic separation and deposition of metals and compounds. Spring term, lecture, M., Th., at 3.20; laboratory, at 1.20, full credit. Professor PARR and Mr. ROSE. Required: Chemistry 5b. 16. CHEMISTRY FOR ENGINEERS.—This course is arranged par- ticularly for mechanical engineers. It involves the proximate analysis of coals, determination of calorific power, technical analysis of furnace gases, examination of boiler waters, etc. Winter term, at 10.10, full credit. Professor PARR and Mr. SAMMIS. Required: Chemistry 1. 17. INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY.—A laboratory course in the prep- aration of chemical products from raw materials. The manufacture and proving of pure chemicals, fractionation, and other processes of the manufacturing chemist. Winter term, full credit. Professor PARR. Required: Chemistry 5b. 18. SPECIAL ADVANCED COURSES.—Special laboratory courses as indicated below may be arranged for those compete'nt to pursue them. From one-fifth to three credits will be allowed in the undergraduate courses for such work. (a) Technical Gas Analysis, % to 1 credit. (b) Urinalysis, % to 1 credit. (c) Toxicology, % to 2 credits. (d) Metallurgical Chemistry, 1 to 3 credits. Professors PALMER and PARR. 19. SEMINARY.—Reports and discussions upon assigned topics from current chemical literature. One session each fortnight during