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Caption: Course Catalog - 1896-1897 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 69 gauges, scales, thermometers, dynamometers, calorimeters, reducing motions, planimeters, measuring tanks, and apparatus for the calibration of instruments. The engines may be run either with or without a condenser, with plain slide or expansion valves, or with automatic or throttling governors. Power is transmitted from the engines' in this laboratory to the machine, shop by a thirty horse-power rope drive. Water is brought t<ji the laboratory through a 2-inch main, furnishing a supply for condensers and boiled feed. The heating and power plant of the University contains nine boilers: two Root, one Sterling, four horizontal tubular, and two Babcock & Wilcox, aggregating eight hundred horsepower. These furnish additional opportunity for experiment. Tests are also made at the power plants, pumping station, and factories of the two cities. The machine shop, foundry, and forge shop are located in Machinery Building. The machine shop contains one twenty-seven-inch by twelve-foot bed F. E. Reed & Co. engine lathe; twelve engine lathes of from twelve- to twenty-inch swing; two ten-inch speed lathes; one centering lathe; one fifteen-inch Gould & Eberhardt shaper; one fifteen-inch Hendey shaper; one No. 3 Brown & Sharpe plain milling machine; one Brainard universal milling machine; one twenty- by twenty-inch by five-foot Putnam planer; one thirty- by thirty-inch by eight-foot G. A. Gray & Co. planer; one No. 2 improved Brown & Sharpe universal grinding machine; one Brown & Sharpe cutter and reamer grinder; one twenty-four-inch drill press; one twentyinch drill press; one sensitive drill press; one water emery tool grinder; one center grinding machine; one Stover power hack saw; one Worcester twist drill grinder; complete set of United States standard taps and dies; drills, arbors; reamers, gear and milling cutters, caliper gauges, calipers, scales, and other small tools. The wood shop occupies the second floor of Engineering Laboratory, and contains twenty-six improved woodworking benches, fourteen of which are fitted with Wyman and Gordon patent vises; one thirty-four-inch F. H. Clement & Co. band saw; one thirty-six-inch Yerkes & Finan band saw; one twenty-inch Clement & Co. wood planer; one J. A. Fay & Co. jig-saw; one J. A. Fay & Co. jointer; eight terir
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