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Caption: Course Catalog - 1896-1897 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

2 04 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 4. Nominations to fellowships shall be made upon the grounds of worthiness of character, scholastic attainments, and promise of success in the principal line of study or research to which the candidate proposes to devote himself. Consideration shall also be given to the probable value or usefulness of the services of the candidate as an assistant in instruction, but this shall not be deemed the primary object of the appointment. Other things being equal, preference shall be given to those graduates of this University who have pursued a specialized course.* 5. Candidates must present, with their applications, full information concerning themselves and their qualifications for advanced study and research work, including any written or printed essays or results of investigation, and must name the subject in which they wish to do their major work. 6. Fellowships shall be good for one year. Appointments may not be usually renewed to the same persons, and in no case for more than one additional year; but an appointment as honorary fellow, without stipend, maybe made as specified for paid fellowships in the case of any one who has held a regular fellowship and has shown distinguished merit in his work. 7. Fellows shall be constituted members of the Graduate School, shall have all of the privileges and bear all of the responsibilities of such membership. Each regular fellow may be called upon to render service in instruction throughout the year in the department in which his major subject lies, equal to one hour daily of class instruction or to two hours daily of laboratory supervision. Such service may receive such credit as the Council of Administration may determine in each case. Blank forms for applications may be obtained by addressing the Registrar. SCHOLARSHIPS STATEt A law passed by the General Assembly of the State of Illinois at the session of 1895 provides that there shall be *See pp. 44. 96. All members of the Colleges of Engineering and of Agriculture and of the chemical and mathematical groups in the College of Science shall be considered as pursuing specialized courses. tThese scholarships replace the honorary scholarships and the accredited schooj scholarships heretofore given.
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