Caption: Course Catalog - 1896-1897 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

158 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF COURSES 102. ECONOMIC GEOLOGY.—The effects which variations in the chemical composition and physical constitution of inorganic substances used in the arts have on the qualities of the manufactured product, and should have on methods of manufacture. A critical examination of the tests now employed in determining the qualities of building stones. 103. ILLINOIS GEOLOGY.—Glacial geology in relation to water supply of drift-covered regions. Dynamic and stratigraphic geology of the Ozark uplift in Illinois. GERMAN 1. ELEMENTARY COURSE.—For students in the College of Literature and Arts and in the College of Engineering. Thomas's Practical German Grammar; Storm's Immensee, with Hatneld's Composition based on Immensee; Heyse's L'Arrabbiata, or other easy narrative prose. Fall and winter terms, full study. Mr. R. P. SMITH and Mr. G. W. SCHMIDT. 2. COMPOSITION AND READING.—Scheffel's Ekkehard or Freytag's Rittmeister von Alt-Rosen, Schiller's Wilhelm Tell or Maria Stuart; Lessing's Minna von Barnhelm and Goethe's Egmont or Iphigenie auf Tauris; Jagemann's Prose Composition and Syntax. Fall, winter, and sfring terms, full study. Assistant Professor RHOADES and Mr. G. W. SCHMIDT. Required: 3. German 1 and 8. STUDY OF CLASSICAL AUTHORS.—Translations and CRITICAL lectures; written reports in German on collateral reading. In 1897-98 this course may be elected as 3a; study of Lessing's Life and Works. In 1898-99, under the designation 3b, study of Schiller's Life and Works. Fall, winter, and spring- terms. Four times fer zveek, full study. Assistant Professor RHOADES. Required: German 2 or an equivalent. 4. STUDY OF GOETHE.—Lecture's on Goethe's Life and Works, with translation and collateral reading. In 1897-98 this course may be elected as 4a for the study of Goethe's lyrics, prose writings, and dramas, especially those of his classical period. In 1898-99, under the designation 4b, study of Faust and the Faust problem. Fall, zvinter, and spring terms, three-fifths study. Assistant Professor RHOADES. Required; German 3a or 3b; other students by special permission. 5. INTRODUCTORY SCIENTIFIC COURSE.—For students in theCollege of Science who do not offer German for entrance. Thomas's Practical German Grammar, with the reading of easy narrative prose. Winter and sfring terms, full study. Mr. R. P, SMITH and Mr. G. W. SCHMIDT.