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Caption: Course Catalog - 1896-1897 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

GRADUATE SCHOOL AIMS It is the purpose of the graduate school to encourage advanced study and research at the University, and to promote high scholarship on the part of those who have completed an undergraduate course of instruction. ORGANIZATION The Graduate School is in charge of the Council of Administration of the University. The Council fixes the conditions of admission, approves the courses of instruction, prescribes the character of examinations, establishes requirements for degrees, and exercises general supervision over all the affairs of the school. The Dean of the General Faculty is the executive officer of the school, and he should be consulted on all matters pertaining thereto. ADMISSION AND REGISTRATION Graduates of the University, and of other colleges and universities of approved standing, may be admitted to membership in the Graduate School upon presentation of their credentials. Other persons suitably qualified may gain admission by special vote of the Council of Administration upon such conditions as may be imposed in each case. Candidates for admission register with the Dean of the General Faculty at the beginning of each academic year, during the registration period preceding the commencement of instruction for the year in the University. Non-residents may register by securing blanks, which are sent on application, and returning them properly filled out not later than the time specified. Correspondence in this case should be commenced early that no delay in registration may occur.
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