Caption: Course Catalog - 1888-1889 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

96 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. of the University. On application, a member of the Faculty is sent to examine the school making application, as to its facilities for teaching, its course and methods of instruction, and the general proficiency shown. If the report is favorable, the name of the school is entered in the published list of High Schools, accredited by the University. The graduates O these schools are admitted to such of the colleges as their f studies may have prepared them to enter. The appointment continues as long as the work of the school is found satisfactory. Annual reports are asked from these schools. ACCRBDITED HIGH SCHOOLS Whose graduates are admitted to any of the colleges of the University. The public high schools in Princeton. Galena. Cairo. Lake View. Jacksonville. Mendota. Champaign, West. Danville. Rock Island. Decatur. Charleston. Moline. Urbana. Tuscola. Freeport. Oak Park. Streator. Rockford. Chicago, North. Ottawa. Lincoln. Chicago, South. Bloomington. Jerseyville. Chicago, West. Aurora, East. Evanston. Hyde Park. Aurora, West. Mattoon. Springfield. Paris. Dixon. Peoria. ACCREDITED HIGH SCHOOLS Whose graduates are admitted to either of the colleges of Engineering, Agriculture, or Natural History. The public high schools in Marengo. Kankakee. Monticello. Warren. PeruSycamore. Roohelle. Rossville. Washington. Robinson. Waverly. Pekin. Watseka. Sheldon. Farmer City Pittsfield. Camp Point. Polo. Sterling, 3rd. SOCIETIES. The Literary Societies have from the opening of the University enjoyed its fostering care. The ADBLPHIC and PHILOMATHEAN societies for men, and the ALETHENAI for women, occupy spacious halls which the members have furnished and decorated with taste and elegance. Meetings are held on Friday evenings throughout