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Caption: Course Catalog - 1888-1889 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

i\ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. SCHOOL OF NATURAL HISTORY. The School of Natural History is especially intended to provide a general preparation for the professions and business pursuits requiring more of an acquaintance with the methods and facts of science than with those of literature. More specifically, it is designed: To afford a thorough liberal education with a basis in the sciences and modern languages. To prepare for the teaching of the natural history subjects either in the higher schools or as a professional specialty. To lay a liberal foundation in biological work and study for a course in medicine. To prepare for the pursuit of specialties in zoology, botany, general biology, and geology, as a scientific career. The natural history course of four years leads to the degree of Bachelor of Science. It is distinguished by unusually full instruction in the biological subjects and in the other modern sciences, combined with a thorough course in French and German. It offers two hours a day fora year in botany, and the same each in zoology and in general or special biology; a term each of entomology, of human anatomy and physiology; of microscopy and of mineralogy; two terras each of geology and of physics; a year of chemistry; a term each of physography and of astronomy; a year each of free-hand drawing aad of French; fiye terms each of German and of history; one term each of conic sections, trigonometry, political economy, mental science, and logic; and the equivalent of twenty-nine weeks' work, for one hour a day, in practical English composition and oratory. In Zoology, botany, general biology, entomology, geology, microscopy, chemistry, and mineralogy, the subjects are developed by lecture and the study of text, supplemented by a thorough course of laboratory work and practice by the students, done under the guidance and criticism of 'an instructor. The biographical work of the senior year is rendered so far elective in character that it may be made to lead towards the study of medicine, towards natural history teaching, or towards the pursuit of a special scientific career. Special and elective study is permitted and provided for
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