Caption: Course Catalog - 1888-1889 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

ARCHITECTUBAL COURSE. ARCHITECTURAL COURSE. T~Z~~1. 65 Required for the Degree of B. S. in School of Architecture. FIEST YEAB. 1. Trigonometry; Projection Drawing; Shop Practice; French or German. 2. Analytical Geometry; Descriptive Geometry and Lettering; Shop Practice; French or German. 3. Advanced Algebra; Graphical Statics; Shop Practice; French or German. SECOND YEAB. 1. Elements of Wood Construction; Calculus; Free Hand Drawing and Modeling. 2. Elements of Stone, Brick, and Metal Construction; Advanced Analytical Geometry; Architectural Drawing and Designing. 3. Elements of Sanitary Construction; Advanced Calculus; Water Color Sketching. THIBD YEAE. 1. Architectural Drawing; Analytical Mechanics; Chemistry. 2. History of Architecture; Resistance of Materials; Physics. 3. History of Architecture; Advanced Descriptive Geometry; Physics. FOUBTH YEAB. 1. Esthetics of Architecture; Architectural Perspective; History of Civilization. 2. Architectural Designing; Heating and Ventilation; Constitutional History. 3. Architectural Designing; Estimates, Agreements, and Specifications: Political Economy. BUILDER'S COURSE. The Trustees allow persons desiring to fit themselves for master builders to take a course of a single year, pursuing such technical studies of the course in architecture as they may be prepared to enter upon with profit, and as will be most advantageous to them. Candidates for the Builder's Course must pass the examinations in the common branches, but need not pass in the studies of the preliminary year unless they shall desire to pursue other studies than those marked in the following schedule. Special fee, $5'per term.