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Caption: Course Catalog - 1888-1889 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

26 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. holic specimens of all classes and orders. The collection of Illinois shells is creditable, although incomplete. The entomological cabinet contains about three thousand species (principally American) named, labelled, and systematically arranged. The establishment at the University of the office of the State Entomologist of Illinois makes available to students of this subject the entomological library and the collections of that office, and affords an extraordinary opportunity for observation of the methods of work and research in economic entomology. The lower invertebrates are represented by several hundred dried specimens and alcoholics, and by a large series of the famous Blaschka glass models. Geology.—The geological collection comprises many of the largest and most remarkable fossils hitherto discovered in the various geological formations, illustrating the general progress of life in the mollusks, fishes, reptiles, and mammals, from the oldest palaeozoic time to the present. A fine set of fossils from Germany, and collections, suitably arranged for practical study, from this and other States, illustrate the different formations. There is a good collection of foot-prints from the Connecticut river sand-stones. Botany.—The herbarium contains about one thousand species of plants indigenous to Illinois, including nearly complete sets of grasses and sedges. There are, besides, many other North American plants and some exotics. A collection of Fungi, includes a very full set of those mo3t injurious to other plants, causing rusts, smuts, moulds, etc. A collection of wood specimens from two hundred species of North American trees, well illustrates the varieties of native wood. The trees and shrubs of Stephenson county, Illinois, are represented by a distinct collection. Plaster casts represent fruits of many of the leading varieties, as well as interesting specimens of morphology, showing peculiarities of growth, effects of cross-fertilization, etc. Lithology.—This collection embraces the principal kinds of metamorphic and volcanic rocks ; examples of stratification in the limestone and fragmental kinds, with many samples of such rocks as are found most valuable for building purposes.'
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