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Caption: Course Catalog - 1888-1889 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

14 CXIVERSITY OF ILLIXOIS. RESIDENCE. COUBSE. Literature and Science •McCormick, Wirt •Martin, William A. Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Merritt, Charles J. Mitchell, Charles J. Civil Engineering Literature and Science •Outcalt, Irvin E. Powell, John B. Civil Engineering *Parkman, Charles C. Architecture Powell, John H. Civil Engineering *Reat, Samuel C. Literature and Science Richart, Frederick W. Mechanical Engineering •Shannon,James S. Jr.Architecture Shattuck, Walter F. Architecture *Siebernes, John R. Civil Engineering *Sperry, William L. Architecture Thomas, Marion E. Civil Engineering Literature and Science *Tubbs, Henry R. Civil Engineering and Mil Vail, Charles D. Mechanical Eng and Mil Wait, Burton C. Wallace, R. Strawn Mechanical Eng and Mil Architecture Young, Charles B. Mahomet. Chicago. Champaign. Fulton. Champaign. Powellton. Philo. Shawneetown. Tuscola. Carterville. Hinsdale. Champaign. Peoria. Champaign. Bellmore, Ind. Kirkwood. Lone Tree. Pontiac. Pontiac. Aurora. LADIES. RESIDENCE. *Ashley, Hattie E. *Beach, Jessie Beach, Laura M. Brumbach, Lucia R. Butterfleld, Helen E. Carson, Annie •Cunningham, Clara •Darby, Nellie M. *Gilman, Bessie A. •Harris, Jessica V. •Heller, Opal B. Jones, Izabelle E. •Myers, Clara Pickard, Ethel M. Sibert, Emma E. Natural History Natural History Natural History Literature and Science Literature and Science Literature and Science Natural History Literature and Science Literature and Science Natural History Literature and Science Natural History Natural History Literature and Science Literature and Science Gibson City. Champaign. Champaign. Gilman. Champaign. Urbana. Champaign. Urbana. Warrensburg. Kalamazoo, Mich. Urbana. Champaign. Newport, Ind. Champaign. Champaign.
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