Caption: Course Catalog - 1886-1887 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

•10 University of Illinois. The College has a supply of compound microscopes and apparatus, and students have opportunity to learn their use, and to make practical investigations with them. The herbarium is rich in specimens of useful and noxious plants, including many of the fungous parasites which cause disease to cultivated crops. AGRICULTURAL COURSE. Requ'red for the Degree of B. S., in College of Agriculture. FIBST YEAB. 1. Elements of Agriculture; Chemistry; Trigonometry; Shop practice (optional). 2. Elements of Horticulture; Chemistry; American Authors, or Free Hand Drawing. 3. Economic Entomology; Chemistry; British Authors. SECOND IEAB. 1. Chemistry and Laboratory Practice; Botany: German. 2. Agricultural Chemistry (Soils and Plants) ;Zoology or Botany ;German. 3. Agricultural Chemistry (Tillage, Fertilizers, Foods); Vegetable Physiology; German. THIBD TEAB. 1. Agricultural Engineering and Architecture; Animal Anatomy and Physiology; German. 2. Animal Husbandry; Veterinary Science; Veterinary Materia Medica (optional extra); Physics or Geology. 3. Landscape Gardening; Veterinary Science; Physics or Geology. FOUBTH TEAB. 1. Physiography; Mental Science; History of Civilization. 2. Rural Economy; Constitutional History; Logic. 3. History of Agriculture and Rural Law; Political Economy; Laboratory Work. N. B.—Students in Horticulture will take the special branches in Horticulture described on pages 36 and 37.