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Caption: Course Catalog - 1877-1878 Version B This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Organization of the University. Van Nostrand's Eclectic Engineering Official Patent Office Gazette, Patent Right Gazette, Magazine, Jahrbericht der Chemie, Giessen, The Workshop. Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen LITERARY. Gesellschaft Berlin, Edinburgh Review, Viehsucht, Berlin, London Quarterly, American Naturalist, The Nation, Annalen der Cliemie, Leipsic, Educational Weekly, British Microscopic Journal, London, L'brary Journal, Comptes Rendua, Paris, Legal Adviser, Journal of the Franklin Institute, New Englander, National Guardsman, Magazine of American History, Nature, London. Illini, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics North American Review, London. British Quarterly Review, American Journal of Mathematics, Revue des Deux Mondes, Paris, Scribner's Magazine, NEWS. Deutsche Rundschau, Berlin, Campaign County Gazette, Atlantic Monthly, hampaign County Herald, International Review, Rantoul Journal, New England Journal of Education, Champaign Union, American Journal of Education. Champaign Times, Urbana Republican, SCIENTIFIC. Douglas County Review, American Chemist, Homer Enterprise, American Journal of Science, Sullivan Progress, Grevillea, London, Polytechnisches Journal, Augsburg, Danville News. (Indiana Farmer, Agr. and Hor. Popular Science Monthly, ORGANIZATION OF THE UNIVERSITY. COLLEGES AND SCHOOfcS. The Institution is a true University in the best American sense, though differing designedly in the character of some of its Colleges from the older Institutions of this country. It is div:ded into four Colleges, and these are again subdivided into Schools. A School is understood to embrace the course of instruction needful for some one profession or vocation. Schools that are cognate in character and Studies, are grouped under the same College. I. T H E COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE. School of Agriculture. School of Horticulture. II. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. School of Mechanical Engineering. School of Civil Engineering. School of Mining Engineering. School of Architecture. III. COLLEGE OF NATURAL SCIENCE. School of Chemistry. School of Natural History. School of Domestic Science.
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