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Caption: Course Catalog - 1876-1877 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

College of Natural Science. INSTRUCTION. 45 The instruction in the principles of Chemistry and Chemical Physics, will occupy six weeks of the first term of the first year. For the remainder of the year the recitations will alternate with laboratory practice. During the remaining three years each student is expected to work two hours daily in the laboratory, five days in the week, and in order to graduate, each is expected, at the close of the course, to make an original investigation, and to write a Thesis. Students who pursue Chemistry as a part of other courses, will find it to their advantage to work at least two consecutive hours daily during such time as their specialty may require. Text-Boohs — Roscoe's Chemistry ; Douglas & Prescott's Analysis ; Fresenius' Analysis ; Miller's Chemistry ; Rose's Analysis. Books of Reference—Gmelin's Handbook of Chemistry; Graham-Otto's Ausfuehrliches Lehrbuch der Chemie ; Watt's Dictionary of Chemistry ; Lehmann's Physiological Chemistry ; Percy's Metallurgy ; Mitchell's Practical Assaying ; Wormley's Micro-Chemistry of Poisons ; Taylor on Poison. Four courses of Laboratory work have been arranged as follows : CHEMICAL COURSE. FIRST YEAR. First Term.—Qualitative Analysis, Tests and Separation of the Alkalies, Alkaline Earths, (N H 4) 2 8 Group, and 1st and 2d Division of II 2 S Group. Second Term.— Qualitative Analysis Completed, Tests, and Separation of 3d Division of H 2 S Group, and the Acids, Analysis of 20 Simple Salts, and 20 Compound Substances. Third Term.— Quantitative Analysis of Sodium Sulphate, Dolomite, Ammonium Alum, Potassium Chloride, Bone Ash, Iron Ore. SECOND TEAR. First Term.— Quantitative Analysis of Calamine(Zinc Carbonate), Copper Pyrites, Galena, Spathic Iron Ore, Nickel Ore, Clay, Soil, Determination of Iron, Copper, &c, both volumetrically and gravimetrically. Second Term.— Volumetric Analysis, Alkalimetry and Acidimetry, Preparation of Standard Solutions, Analysis of Sodium Carbonate, Sodium Hydroxide, Potassium Hydroxide, Pearl Ash, Cream of Tartar, Sulphuric, Hydrochloric, Oxalic and Citric Acid, Analysis of Corn or other Grain. Third Term.— Preparation of Salts, Acids, &c, Electroplating with Silver, Gold, Copper, Nickel. THIRD TEAR. First Term.— Ultimate Analysis, Determination of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Chlorine, Phosphorus and Sulphur in Organic Compounds, Analysis of Urine. Second Term.— Blow-pipe Analysis, Determination of a collection of Minerals representing over thirty of the Metals. Assaying in both the dry and wet way of Gold, Silver and Lead Ores. Third Term.— Photography, Preparation of Ether, Absolute Alcohol, Gun Cotton, Cadmium Iodide, Ammonium Iodide, Glacial Acetic Acid, Silver Nitrate, Collodion. Taking Negatives, Printing Positives, Toning and Mounting.
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