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Caption: Course Catalog - 1876-1877 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

18 Illinois Industrial Uhiverstity. fossils of the British Museum and of other great European collections, as well as those of President Hitchcock and others in America. PINE ART GALLERY. This Gallery is one of the largest and finest in the country. It is the gift of citizens of Champaign and Urbaua. A beautiful Hall, nearly 60 by 80 feet, has been fitted up as an Art Gallery, and the large and beautiful display of Art objects in it surprises and delights all visitors. Many have come from a distance to see it, and several High Schools have made excursions to visit it. There is, perhaps, no collection in the West that equals it in the number and value of its specimens. Many of ;fche great masterpieces of Sculpture are here exhibited in casts taken directly from the originals. The value of this splendid collection as a means of education is already exhibiting itself in the several departments of Drawing and Design at the University. LIBRARY. The Library, which has been carefully selected with reference to the scientific studies required in the several practical courses, includes now over 10,000 volumes. The large Library Hall is fitted up as a Reading Room, and is open throughout the day for study, reading and consultation of authorities. It is well provided with American, English, French and German papers and periodicals, embracing some of the most important scientific and art publications. The following is a list of the periodicals regularly received : AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL. Railroad Gazette, American Agriculturist, Cultivator and Country Gentleman, California Farmer, English Live Stock Journal, Journal d'Agriculture Pratique, Paris, New England Farmer, National Live Stock Journal, Prairie Farmer, Practical Farmer, Rural New Yorker, Western Farmer, Wallace's Monthly Gardener's Chronicle London Agricultural Gazette, Western Agriculturist, Western Rural, Williamette Farmer Gardener's Monthly & Horticulturist, Revue Horticole, Paris, Kansas Farmer. ENGINEERING. • Encyclopedie d'Architecture, Paris, Engineering, London, Architektonisches Skizzen-buch, Berlin, English Architect, Scientific American, Scientific American Supplement, The Builder, London, The Workshop, Van Nostrand's Eclectic Engineering Magazine. LITERARY. Edinburgh Review, London Quarterly, The Nation, Educational Weekly, Library Journal, Legal Adviser, New Englander Magazine of American History, Illini North American Review, British Quarterly Review R e v u e d e s D e u x M ondes, Paris, Scribner's Magazine, Deutsche Rundschau, Berlin, Atlantic Monthly, International Review, New England Journal of Education, Am. Journal of Education.
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