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Caption: Course Catalog - 1872-1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

•52 Sept. Sept. Sept. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. 16, i7, 18, Illinois Industrial University. 6, 22, 24, 25, Examination of Candidates for Admission. Examination of Candidates for Admission. Opening of the First or Fall Term. Solid Geometry completed and Algebra commenced. First Term Examinations begin. Closing of the First or Fall Term. Christmas, and Beginning of Vacation of Two Weeks. F o r 1874. March 1 1 , March 24, March 25, March 26, June 7, 8, June June 9, Jan. Jan. 7, 8, June June 10, 11, Examinations for Admission to Advanced Classes. Opening of the Second or Winter Term. Anniversary Day ; Recess of one day. Second Term Examinations begin. Closing of the Second or Winter Term. Opening of the Third or Spring Term. Baccalaureate Sermon in University Chapel. Third Term Examinations commence. Examinations for Admission, and Closing of the Third Term. Competitive Speaking ; Thesis Reading; Society Addresses. Commencement Day. EXPENSES. THE TUITION is FREE in all the University Classes. THE MATRICULATION FEE entitles the Student to membership in the University until he completes his Studies, and must be paid before he enters. Amount, $10.00 THE TERM FEE for Incidental Expenses is, per Student, 5.00 Room Rent in a University Dormitory, each Student per Term, 4.00 ALL BILLS due the University must be paid, and the Receipt of the Treasurer shown to the Regent before the Student can enter the Classes. The following are the estimated Maximum and Minimum Annual PIxpenses,exclusive of books and clothing, of a residence for 36 weeks at the University. For Gentlemen. Term Fees and Room Rent for each Student, Table Board in Boarding Houses and Clubs, Fuel and Light, Washing, at 75 cents per dozen. Total Annual Amount, M a x . Min. $ 27:00 $ 27.00 144.00 72.00 10.00 15.00 27.00 13-5° 213.00 122.50 F o r L a d i e s a t t h e B o a r d i n g H a l l1. . Term Fees, Room Rent for each Student, Table Expenses, share for each, Fuel and Light, Services of Steward and Matron, Total Annual Amount, Board and Room in Private Houses, per week, $ 15.00 $ 15.00 30.60 5 4-00 15.00 18.00 23.40 45.00 10.00 18.00 111.40 132.60 $6.00 $4.50
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