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Caption: Course Catalog - 1872-1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Miscellany. UNIVERSITY UNIFORMS. 51 Under the authority of the act of incorporation,- the Trustees have prescribed that all the male students, after their first term, shall wear the University uniform. The University cap is to be worn from the first. This uniform consists of a suit of cadet grey mixed cloth, of the same color and quality as that worn at West Point, and manufactured by the same establishment. Students can procure them ready-made on their arrival here. The University cap is of dark blue cloth, and is ornamented in front with the initials 1.1.U. surrounded by a silver wreath. Students will always wear their uniforms on parade, but in their rooms and at recitations may wear other clothing. PERIODICALS in t h e LIBRARY. AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL —• American Agriculturist, Annalen der Landwirthschaft, Chemische Ackersmann, Cultivator and Country Gentleman, California Journal, Journal d'Agriculture, Michigan Farmer, Massachusetts Ploughman, New England Farmer, Northwestern Farmer, National Live Stock Journal, Prairie Farmer, Rural New Yorker, Rock River Farmer, Southern Cultivator, Viehsucht, Western Agriculturist, Western Rural, Willamette Farmer, Gardeners' Monthly, Horticulturist, Revue Horticole. ENGINEERING—American Builder, Le Moniteur des Architects, Manufacturer and Builder, Mining Journal—London, Publication Industrielles, Railroad Gazette, Railway Review, Scientific American, The Builder—London, The Workshop, Van Nostrand's Eclectic Engineering Magazine. SCIENTIFIC—American Chemist, American Journal of Science, American Naturalist, Annalen der Physic, Berichte der Chemischen Gesellschaft, British Microscopic Journal, British Journal of Science, Comptes Rendus, Geological Magazine—London, Journal of the Franklin Institute, Nature, Polytechnische Journal, Philosophical Magazine—London. LITERARY—Athseneum—London, Atlantic Monthly, Blackwood's Magazine, Edinburgh Review, London Quarterly, The Nation, North American Review, North British Review, Revue des Deux Mondes, Scribner's Magazine, Westminster Review. PHILOLOGICAL— Archiv fuer Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literatur. NEWS— Champaign County Gazette, Chicago Post, Centralia Sentinel, Galesburg Republican. Henry County Chronicle, Illinois State Journal, Illinois Staats Zeitung. C A L E N D A R for 1873 ; Jan. Jan. March March March March March June June June June June Examinations for Admission to Advanced Classes. Opening of the Second or Winter Term. Anniversary Day ; Recess of one day. II, 14, Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees. Second Term Examinations begin. 18, Closing of the Second or Winter Term, 19, Opening of the -Third or Spring Term. 20, Baccalaureate Sermon in University Chapel. 1, Third Term Examinations commence. 2, 3> Examinations for Admission, and Closing of the Third Term. 4, Competitive Speaking and Society Addresses. 5, Commencement Day, and Beginning of i, 2, SUMMER VACATION OF FIFTEEN WEEKS.
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