Caption: Course Catalog - 1870-1871 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
CATALOGUE OP STUDENTS-CONTINUED. RESIDENCE. NAXK. COURSE, YEAH. POST-OFFICE. GOUNTY. Baker, Ella 8 Chase Ella Canine Frances... Detmera, Jennie H. M Do ug^s, tfarah M Field, EUa Fill more, Delia M Goodwinj Frances E 1 1 1 1 Chemical Kellogif, Fiora L Potter. Adelia F .. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 Whitccmb, Mary Females.... Msleis Champaign .. Champaign, Champaign... Champaign... Champaign... Champaign Champaign South Richland.. New York . . . . Champaign Champaign Champaign Champaign Urbana Champaign.... Champaign Champaign... Champaign, Champaign... Champaign Champaign.,. Champaign Champaign... Urbana .... Champaign... Champaign Champaign... Urbana Champaign... Champaign... Raatoul Champaign... Champaign Urbana Champaign .. Springfield Hangamon Urbana '- Champaign... Urbana Champaign... Urbana. Champaign... Champaign Champaign Champaign Sidney .. 23 ..254 Total.. ..277 REUAPITULA TION.. Students who have not yet selected their vocation, and ai'e not therefore decided upon their oomse, as also all who are taking elective courses, are enumerated as " Unasnigned." t h e students marked "Military" take the study of Military Science, besides their regular stndiei, whatever those may be. Agriculture and Horticulture ^ Mechanical £° Civil Engineering " Civil and Mining Engineering * Architectural Engineering * Chemical i1. Military j ™ Unassigned •"" Total • • ^7T Npiu. The figures in the "Year" eolumn indicate, not the year in the courses, but the years of attendance, many of the students having entered with advanced standing.