Caption: Course Catalog - 1868 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

6 Illinois Industrial University. The chief aim of all examinations for admission to the University is to ascertain the student's preparation to pursue successfully the studies of the course. Hence, thoroughness, and a general knowledge of the subject, will be accounted as of more importance than the amount studied. A student of earnest purpose and well disciplined mind will often pursue anew study more successfully than one of much more extensive preparation, bnt of less discipline and diligence. We are much more solicitous about the progress of the student after he enters, than about the preparation made before he enters, the University. Frequent and searching examinations will be held to test the progress made, and to determine each student's fitness to remain in the classes. The University can not be held responsible for the lack of thoroughness in the common school studies of its students. PREPARATORY CLASSES. It is incompatible with the more appropriate and important work of the University to maintain a preparatory department; but to meet the exigencies of students not fully prepared, the Faculty will organize and instruct, during this first college year, classes in the preparatory studies, except the common school branches. When the higher classes shall be filled, it will be impracticable to continue this preparatory work. DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE, LITERATURE, AND ARTS. The studies in this department embrace those scientific and literary branches required for a liberal education, and which are important for the most successful study of the various industrial courses. The studies of the course have been arranged to come within four years, as follows : FIRST, OR FRESHMAN YEAR. REGULAR STUDIES. OPTIONAL AND EXTEA. 1ST TEBM—Trigonometry and Surveying. Structural Botany. Cicero de Senectute. French. Greek. 2D TEKM—Analytical Geometry. Systematic Botany. Odes of Horace. French. Greek. 3D TERM—Systematic Botany. Descriptive Geometry and Greek. Geometrical Drawing. Satires of Horace. French Literature.