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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Wood. Horace M., commission, 235 degree, 226 Wood, M . S., degree, 710 Wood, R., appointment, 290 Wood, R. F., appointments, 444. 625 Wood, R. W., degree, 226 Wood, S. H., appointment, 525 degree, 726 Woodbridge, C. J., degree, 238 Wooddell, J. F., appointments, 396, 652 Woodford County experimentfield,drainage district assessment, 73 Woodrow, H., appointments, 292, 642 Woodrow, H. W.f appointments, 109, 286, 428, 526, 578 Woodruff, E. H., appointments, 286, 578, 636 Woodruff, M . M.r degree, 498 Woodruff, M . W., degree, 716 Woodruff, S.t appointments, 560, 664 Woodruff, W . J., appointments, 168, 305, 609 Woods, appropriation, 78 Woods, A., degree, 724 Woods, C. E., degree, 498 Woods, F. G., degree, 231 Woods, I. M., degree, 721 Woods, S. W „ degree, 225 Woodworth, C. M „ appointments, sro, 660 Woodworth, M . L., appointment, 642 Woolard, M . C , degree, 721 Woolen fibers, research fellowship, 581 Woolford, V. K., degree, 131 Woolsey, E. van E., degree, 22 r Worcester, N. J., degree, 723 Work, hazardous, regulation, 473 Work, R. W., degree, 131 Work, in Summer Session by retired members, 422 on Sunday in Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, 450 Working drawings, appropriation, 187 Worley, E. M,, degree, 233 Worley, M . H., degree, 716 W o r m gear speed reducers, gift of, 438 Worshill, S., certificate, 243 degree, 501 Wortman, H. L., degree, 61 Woundy, M . E., degree, 221 Woy, A. W., degree, 221 Wray, G. M., degree, 224 Wright, A. D., appointments, 303, 652 Wright, C. B., degree, 726 Wright, G. D.t degree, 227 Wright, I., appointments, 296, 646 Wright, J. F., appointments, 279, 294. 627, 644 Wright, K, T., degree, 407 Wright, L., degree, 132 X-raywood,433,degree, 723 Wyman,A- J.,A.degree, 231 528, Wylie, J. H.,appointment, 383 materials, Wyant, R. .I.,.degree, surgical733 Wurtz, Street,T,,541731Co., switchboard W upaving,A.,H.,lighting,relocation, Wright,C.Electricdegree,269, 396 5S3 529 contract, Wright research,713degree, 732598304, 653 605 Wyninger, S., degree,713 Wynekoop,H.contract, 409 Wylea, T.,B., 454,certificate, Wyatt, K. L., degree,226 WurdackB. E., W.,appointments, Wupper,W WD., E.r 221 Wuesteraan,degree, 519,357 onamendment, Mfg. 231 sidewalks,F„ appointment, resolutionE., on 233 , 261 E. 158 J., L. W., H. degree, R. concerning 72* E. 721 713 131 8ll Yahr, M . R., C. P. A. certificate. 479 Yale University Press, gift, 703 Vamada, 1\, degree, 718 Yang. S. C , degree, 237 Yanos, G. E-, degree, 222 Yapp, W . W., appointments, 312, 662 Yarber, J. J., degree, 733 Yarros, R* S., appointment, 34s Yates, H., appointments, 278, 626 Yeager, W . H., appointment, n o Yeast, research gift, 161 Yeasting, J, O-, C. P. A. certificate, 265, 467 Yen, Y. C., degree. 227 Yevilevitch, D., degree, 729 Yntema, L. F., appointments, 109, 285, 501 release ot patentrights,246 Yohe, G. R., degree, 239 Yonan, M . E., certificate, 242 degree, 133 York, D., degree, 35 Youker, M . A., degree, 497 Young, A., & Company, report of audit, 78, 165, 170, 380, 422, 438, sr3, 607 referred tofinancecommittee, 587 Young, A. L., appointments, 313, 663 Young, E. G., appointments, 305, 654 Young, H. H., degree, 221 Young, H. M., degree, 221 Young, H- S., degree, 59 Young, I. O., degree, 717 Young, James Hamilton, degree, 222 Young, James Hezekiah, degree, 227 Young, J. R., appointments, 180, 293, 642 degree, 389 Young, J. S., degree, 258 Young, L. C , degree, 410 Young, M. L., certificate, 733 Young, N. A., degree, 711 Young, P. T., appointments, 292, 642 Young, R. C , degree, 726 Young, W . B., appointments, 312, 661 Young, W . H,, appointments, 309, 659 Yount, B. W., appointment, 640 degrees, 233, 726 Youtsey, R. C., degree, 226 Yuan, C , degree, 225 Zack, I. M,, degree, 237 Zannis, C. D., degree, 222 Zaritsky, M., degree, 243 Zavrel, E. F., degree, 734 Zechel, G. L., appointments, 66t 99. 328, 344, 428, 679, 696 Zegers, R. V., degree, 233 Zeiger, I. W., degree, 724 Zeigler Coal and Coke Company, agreement, 84 Zimmerman,A., G-,D., 221 Zilly, G.H.,appointments, P. Ziegler, CJ. O., Wdegree,408287, Zick, J.N.407R, degree, appointments, Zfaney, J., M., appointment, certificate, Zerbolio,M451R., degree, C.227 A,637 66, 153, 297, Zerafa, V., A., degree, 57s293,286 Zeitlin, P.,Fellowship,733710 231643 344, 696 165, Zimmer, M.,CG. . 713 407 Ziman, M. degree, degree, Ziehen, E. appointments, Zelle, E.C. CL. F. 734 236 Zeleny, M.,J., F., F., 723 degree, S„ degree. appointments, DuPont , degree, 224 leave, D.,degree, 241 233 467 . A. 646 P. J., degree, 734 , , 224
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